Topics: Church Attendance; Attitudes; Excuses
References: Romans 12:4–5, 10; Hebrews 10:25
I stopped going to ball games for the following reasons—which could apply just as easily to why I could stop going to church:
1. Whenever I go to a game, they ask for money.
2. The other fans don’t care about me.
3. The seats are too hard.
4. Coach never visits me.
5. The referee makes calls I disagree with.
6. Some of the games go into overtime and make me late for dinner.
7. The band plays songs I don’t know.
8. I have other things to do at game time.
9. My parents took me to too many games when I was growing up.
10. I know more than the coaches do anyway.
11. I can be just as good a fan at the lake.
12. I won’t take my kids to a game either. They must choose for themselves what teams to follow.
—Mike and Amy Nappa, A Heart Like His (Barbour, 1999)