Clifford A. Wilson

Who would think that archaeology could throw light on the animals of the Bible? But this is indeed the case.

Abraham’s Camels

In the Book of Genesis several passages refer to Abraham’s – and the other Patriarchs’ – use of camels (Genesis 12:16; 24:10, etc.) At one time it was claimed that camels were not domesticated by the time of Abraham. Scholars as recently as the 1930s suggested that the Bible writers actually meant donkeys and not camels. They said that this was an “anachronism”; that is, something written at a later time and inserted into the Bible. This was supposed to be strong evidence for the later writing of these stories, for it was argued that they were not put into writing until camels had replaced donkeys.

It is indeed true that camels were used more widely from the period of David onwards, but it is also true that camels were used for domestic service long before Abraham traveled the lands of the Bible. Archaeologists have recovered bones and teeth, and even figurines, of camels predating Patriachal times. One figurine of a camel was excavated at Lagash in Mesopotamia and dates to about 2350 B.C., hundreds of years before Abraham. Another figurine found in Egypt, dating to about 3000 B.C., depicts a man alongside his kneeling camel.

The King of Beasts

In the prophecy of Nahum against Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, Nahum asks, “Where is the dwelling place of the lions?” (Nahum 2:11). And in the story of Daniel, he was cast into a den of lions at Babylon. Not so long ago no one knew what the prophet Nahum was referring to. Why was he talking about lions? And the idea of Daniel being cast into a den of lions seemed all wrong, for lions were not native to the area.

But now archaeological evidence makes it clear that Nahum was simply referring to captive lions in the city of Nineveh. Many scenes depicting lions have been found on the walls of Assyrian palaces, such as the palace of the famous Assyrian king Ashurbanipal at Nimrud (Bibical Calah). The king is shown setting off on a lion hunt in his own private hunting grounds within the city walls. Next he is pictured in hand-to-hand combat with a lion. Further along the palace wall he is depicted pouring a libation over four lions at the royal temple. “Where is the dwelling place of the lions?” Nahum was predicting that the very center where the sport of kings was enjoyed would be destroyed.

As for the story of Daniel, statues and wall reliefs of lions have been found in Babylon, dating to the days of Daniel. Though lions were not native to the area of Mesopotamia, they were imported especially for the pleasure of kings. The Bible background is amazingly accurate.

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The author at Babylon, standing beside the statue of a lion excavated there some years ago.

Every Shepherd — An Abomination

Even lowly sheep have their place in demonstrating the correctness of Bible records. We read in Genesis 46:34 that “every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians”. At first sight this seems rather strange, for Jacob and his family came to Egypt as shepherds and were given one of the best areas to pasture their flocks.

It is historically true that the native Egyptians looked on Semite people as unclean, and regarded their shepherding activities with disdain. The Egyptians themselves were cattle owners, and the Bible statement that every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians shows a first-hand knowledge of life in those times.

It is believed that the accounts of Abraham and Jacob took place during the time of the Hyksos rulers of Egypt. The Hyksos were Semite invaders who swept into Egypt on swift horses and chariots and overthrew the native rulers. They were a sheep-raising people and when they settled down they brought their flocks into Egypt. Their kings were even known as the “Shepherd Kings”. One of the later Queens of Egypt referred to this period as “the great abomination”. Even though every shepherd was an abomination to the Egyptians, at this particular period of Egypt’s history owners of sheep such as the Israelites would have been welcome.

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Flocks of Sheep in Ninevah

Spanning the centuries for a moment, we find another way in which sheep are relevant to Bible backgrounds—in the famous prophecies against Nineveh and Babylon, two of the best-known cities of ancient times. Concerning Nineveh, the prophet Zephaniah declared “flocks shall lie down in the midst of her” (Zephaniah 2:14). An opposite prophecy was made about Babylon — “neither shall the shepherds make their fold there” (Isaiah 13:20).

Each of these statements has been remarkably fulfilled. Just as Zephaniah prophesied, flocks can be seen lying down in the midst of Nineveh today. But no flocks can lie down in Babylon, for it is a great mass of fallen stones, with sand covering much of the area. In fact, the Arabs believe the site of ancient Babylon is haunted, as this writer has been told by the local inhabitants. They will not go among the ruins after dark. This reminds us of another prophcy of Isaiah that no Arabian would pitch his tent there (Isaiah 13:20).

“Flocks shall lie down in the midst of her.” Sheep graze where the thriving metropolis of Nineveh once stood. The ancient city walls, now buried beneath the dust of centuries, can be seen in the background.

These opposite statements about sheep remind us again of the remarkable truths of this amazing Book that tells the future so unerringly. This Book is still wonderfully relevant today, for it is God’s revelation of Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ.

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“Neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.” At Babylon today no shepherds can be found among her desolate ruins.

First Bible Reference to Horses

The first mention of the horse in Scripture is Genesis 47:17, where the Egyptians sold their horses to buy corn from Joseph. This becomes especially interesting when we realize that this was the period of the Hyksos. It was the Hyksos who first brought horses into Egypt. Their masterly use of the light chariot of war was one of the main reasons for the Hyksos success in conquering Egypt.

Even in incidental matters, such as casual references to camels, lions, sheep, and horses, “The Bible Was Right After All!”

BSP 1:3 (Summer 1972) p. 75