(1603–c.1659) was the greatest of Dutch navigators and explorers. He discovered Tasmania, New Zealand, Tonga, and the Fiji Islands. He set sail from Batavia on August 14, 1642 with the instructions:
Destined for the discovery and exploration of the unknown Southland. … What numberless multitudes of blind heathen have by the same been introduced to the blessed light of the Christian religion. … [and] invaluable treasures and profitable trade connections … the blessing of the Ruler of all things. … endow with manly courage in the execution of the intended discovery, and may grant a safe return.233
At the beginning of the voyage, Commander Abel Janszoon Tasman wrote in his journal:
May God Almighty vouchsafe His blessing on this work.234
Upon his safe return to Batavia, Commander Tasman entered in his journal:
God be praised and thanked for this happy voyage.235