(June 7, 1811–May 6, 1870), was a Scottish obstetrician. He pioneered modern anesthesiology through his discovery of “Chloroform,” 1847. He stated that his research was inspired by the “deep sleep” that Adam was put into.
Sir James Young Simpson, considered a chief founder of the medical field of gynecology, served as Professor of Obstetric Medicine at Edinburgh University. He invented the Simpson forceps, introduced iron wire sutures, and acupressure. His writings on medical history, fetal pathology and hermaphroditism are highly regarded.
James Simpson declared his greatest discovery was:
That I have a Saviour!2438
A gospel tract he wrote concluded:
But again I looked and saw Jesus, my substitute, scourged in my stead and dying on the cross for me. I looked and cried and was forgiven. And it seems to be my duty to tell you of that Saviour, to see if you will not also look and live. “He was wounded for our transgressions. … and with His stripes we are healed”(Isaiah 53:5, 6).2439
Sir James Young Simpson stated:
The unregenerate, unbelieving soul is compared to a corpse; it is “dead in sins.” Of all of you who are now living by faith in Christ it may be truthfully said to-day, as it was said eighteen centuries ago of the Ephesian converts to whom the Apostle Paul wrote, “You hath He quickened, who were dead.”
As many of you as are unbelievers are, in the strong language of Scripture, “dead.” You are dead in the eye of Divine justice; for as the condemned criminal is as a “dead man,” when his crimes have brought on him the legal doom of death, you are likewise “dead,” because “he that believeth not is condemned already.”
Further, you are also spiritually dead on account of being cut off by your sins from communion with the living God. For as a corpse moves not, stirs not, feels not, and can not be aroused, so are you dead to all love of God, and to everything pertaining to the wondrous Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of the dread and crushing burden of their own sins your souls are not all conscious; for the dead feel not.
But in the infinitude of His love to our fallen race, God offers to each of us individually a free and full pardon, and life now and forever, if we only believe on Jesus Christ, His Son, whom He sent to suffer in our stead—to die that we might live—if we rely and rest entirely on Him as the all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins—as our substitute and security.2440