(October 11, 1884–November 7, 1962), was the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. She appointed by President Harry S. Truman as U.S. Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, 1945–51; and reappointed in 1961–62. In her autobiographical book, This I Remember, Mrs. Roosevelt wrote of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s faith:

I always felt that my husband’s religion had something to do with his confidence in himself. As I have said, it was a very simple religion. He believed in God and in His guidance.

He felt that human beings were given tasks to perform and with those tasks the ability and strength to put them through. He could pray for help and guidance and have faith in his own judgment as a result.

The church services that he always insisted on holding on Inauguration Day, anniversaries and whenever a great crisis impended were the expressions of his religious faith.

I think this must not be lost sight of in judging his acceptance of responsibility and his belief in his ability to meet whatever crisis had to be met.3382

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt commented:

Our democracy in this country had its roots in religious belief.3383