The following thoughts from Wilferd A. Peterson, a prolific American writer, contain practical principles regarding the raising of our children:
- Of all the commentaries on the Scriptures, wrote John Donne, good examples are the best.
- In practicing the art of parenthood, an ounce of example is worth a ton of preachment.
- Our children are watching us live, and what we are shouts louder than anything we can say.
- When we set an example of honesty, our children will be honest.
- When we demonstrate good sportsmanship, they will be good sports.
- When we meet life with laughter and a twinkle in our eye, they will develop a sense of humor.
- When we are thankful for lifes blessings, they will be thankful.
- When we express friendliness, they will be friendly.
- When we speak words of praise, they will praise others.
- When we confront failure, defeat, and misfortune with a gallant spirit, they will live bravely.
- When our lives affirm our faith in the enduring values of life, they will rise about doubt and skepticism.
- When we surround them with the love and goodness of God, they will discover lifes deeper living.
- When we set an example of heroic living, they will be heroes.
- Dont just stand there pointing your finger to the heights you want your children to scale. Start climbing and they will follow!
Wilferd A. Peterson