Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

(Philippians 1:6).

God preserves what He brings to life. As Paul writes, God will complete the work begun in us. If it were up to us, we would not persevere to the end. We would find every possible way to lose our salvation. But God, who makes us new, sustains us in faith for His purpose.

In the New Testament, the great example of God’s preservation of His people in spite of their sins is Simon Peter. Remember that Peter was the chief spokesman for the disciples. On one occasion, Jesus asked the disciples what the crowds were saying about Him, and it was Peter who confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).

On that occasion, Jesus called Peter’s faith “rock-like” and said He would build His church upon it. Jesus made it clear that this faith did not originate with Peter, nor had it been revealed to Peter by men, but directly by God’s action on his heart (Matthew 16:17).

What God starts, God finishes. Peter’s rock-like faith was shattered at Jesus’ trial. Confronted by a servant girl, Peter denied his Master with curses (Matthew 26:71–72). Jesus had predicted that this would happen: “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31). But Peter did not fall into perdition. Rather, he wept bitterly when he realized what he had done. His sin did not thwart God’s plans for him.

Judas also betrayed Jesus, but he fell into perdition. He was bitter and did not turn back to God. Why was Peter’s case different? Because as Jesus had also said, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:32). It is the continual intercession of Jesus Christ that calls us back when we sin, and guarantees that God’s good work in us will be completed.


Jeremiah 7–8

1 Timothy 1

Yesterday we looked at how we can stay close to Jesus. Today we find that it is Jesus who keeps us close to Himself. Which is more desirable to you: having your final perseverance depend on your own efforts, or on Jesus’ prayers for you? When you doubt your security in Christ, read God’s assurances in 1 John.

For further study: Psalms 138; 143; Born Again series

