(April 10, 1794–March 4, 1858), was the U.S. Navy Commodore who opened Japan to world trade through a dramatic show of force on July 8, 1853 and again in February 1854. His brother was Captain Oliver Hazard Perry, who won fame in the war of 1812.

Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry stated:

I have just finished the Bible; I make it a point to read it through every cruise. It is certainly a wonderful Book—a most wonderful Book. … From boyhood I have taken a deep interest in Christianizing the heathen, and in imparting a knowledge of God’s revealed truth everywhere.2079

On a Sunday in 1853, on his way to Japan to protect American seamen, Commodore Perry set his Bible on the capstan, read Psalm 100, then sang:

Before Jehovah’s awful throne

Ye nations bow with sacred joy.2080