
One Sent “Someone who is sent,” often “a messenger.” In the New Testament the word refers particularly to twelve men whom Jesus selected to be with him and whom he sent out to preach and to cast out demons (Mark 3:14–15). Other individuals than the Twelve bore that title–for example, Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:14). … Continue reading “Apostle”


Mark Twain Mark Twain married a Christian lady. She at first didn’t want to marry, but later did. He at first went through the motions of religion with her, but later said he couldn’t keep up the hypocrisy. In time, she came to the place where she no longer believed in a personal God. During … Continue reading “Apostasy”


Sweetest Words The four sweetest words in the English language are “You were right, dear.” Source unknown

Apologetics & Evangelism

Resources •      Tales of the Neverending, Mark Littleton, Moody, 1990, p. 82 •      Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 135, #540, p. 303. •      Em Griffin, The Mindchangers, Tyndale House, 1976, p. 172ff


Resource •      The Pauline Circle, F.F. Bruce, Eerdmans, 1985, p. 51


Cry for Help When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she once attended a rock concert at which one young man was brutally beaten by another. No one made an attempt to stop the beating. The next day she was struck dumb to learn that the youth had died as a result of the pounding. Yet … Continue reading “Apathy”


Tepee vs. Wigwam A man went to his psychiatrist and he said, “Sometimes I think I’m a tepee and sometimes I think I’m a wigwam.” The psychiatrist said, “Your problem is you’re too tents.” The Bell, the Clapper, and the Cord: Wit and Witticism, (Baltimore: National Federation of the Blind, 1994), p. 80 18 Proven … Continue reading “Anxiety”


Napoleon I never worry about what I will do if I win a battle, but I always know exactly what I will do if I lose one. – Napoleon Quoted in Bits and Pieces, August, 1989


Soul and Spirit The two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both Old and New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew and PSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared by man and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal … Continue reading “Anthropology”