Indy 500 Race car driver Bill Vukovich won the famed Indianapolis 500 race in 1953 and 1954, a record of success few other drivers had matched. Asked the secret of his success in Indianapolis, Vukovich replied, “There’s no secret. You just press the accelerator to the floor and steer left.” Today in the Word, February … Continue reading “Basics”
Silent Prayer Hear about the man who was so bashful that he couldn’t even lead in silent prayer? Source unknown
Joke The devil challenged St. Peter to a baseball game. “How can you win, Satan?” asked St. Peter. “All the famous ballplayers are up here.” “How can I lose?” answered Satan. “All the umpires are down here.” Source unknown Ins and Outs The baseball season is upon us and an office manager we know passes … Continue reading “Baseball”
Assistant Pastor A man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in an assistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, both men do church planting work together for a couple of years, then return to the home church. A sharp disagreement arises over an issue they both view as a matter … Continue reading “Barnabas”
The Bargainer Our mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price was standard procedure. “How much are these cucumbers?” “Two for five.” The mamma pushed one aside. “And how much is this one?” “Three cents.” “Okay. I’ll take the other one.” – Sam Levenson Source unknown No Bargain! Never buy a portable TV set … Continue reading “Bargain”
The Only Man Commenting on Barabbas, Donald Grey Barnhouse wrote, “He was the only man in the world who could say that Jesus Christ took his physical place. But I can say that Jesus Christ took my spiritual place. For it was I who deserved to die. It was I who deserved that the wrath … Continue reading “Barabbas”
Baptismal Regeneration
Resource • Difficult Passages in the Epistles, R. Stein, Baker, 1988, p. 116
Baptism (in the Holy Spirit)
As I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I saw Him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at me in such a manner as to break me right down … Continue reading “Baptism (in the Holy Spirit)”
Long-Standing Debate Over the centuries Christians have debated what baptism accomplishes, to whom it should be administered, and how much water should be used. Christian Theology in Plain Language, p. 158 King’s The story is told about the baptism of King Aengus by St. Patrick in the middle of the fifth century. Sometime during the … Continue reading “Baptism”
Extravagance In 1971, the Persian Empire celebrated its 2500th birthday as Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran gave a four-day celebration costing $100 million. The focal point of the event was a huge banquet, the banquet hall being a gigantic silk tent lighted with $840,000 worth of colored lights! The guest list matched the occasion: the … Continue reading “Banquet”