
Food Safety Facts Here are some tongue-in-cheek food safety “facts” from New York’s Miner Institute: •      Nearly all sick people have eaten carrots. Obviously, the effects are cumulative. •      An estimated 99.9% of all people who die from cancer and heart disease have eaten carrots. •      99.9% of people involved in car crashes ate carrots … Continue reading “Carrots”

Carnal, Carnality

What Is Carnality? What is carnality? According to the Greek dictionary, it means to have the nature and characteristics of the flesh (or more simply, it means “fleshly”). What, then , is the flesh? Sometimes it refers to the whole material part of man (1 Corinthians 15:39; Hebrews 5:7), and based on this meaning, carnal … Continue reading “Carnal, Carnality”


For Want … For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy; and for want of care about a horseshoe nail. – B. Franklin Source unknown Danger Minimal Steve … Continue reading “Carelessness”


Back Pack To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back. Thomas Haliburton, quoted in MSC Newsletter Does Anybody Ask About My Arthritis? Mamie made frequent trips to the branch post office. One day she confronted a long line of people who were waiting for service from the postal clerks. … Continue reading “Care”


Late for Work Hearken unto my voice, all of you, and learn from my misfortune. For I have dallied too long over “Good Morning America” and now I pay the price. Yea, verily, it is rush hour. And though I falleth upon my steering wheel and weep most piteously, I goeth not forward upon the … Continue reading “Car”


Resource Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible, Robert Young, special section in back of concordance.


Clear Understanding It is important for the pastor and congregation to have a clear understanding of their respective responsibilities and expectations. One of the best such covenants we’ve encountered was written by Dr. Hayes Wicker upon his call to the First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida. Note also the insightful way this defines the character … Continue reading “Candidating”


Some Truth in Both Systems When a Calvinist says that all things happen according to the predestination of God, he speaks the truth, and I am willing to be called a Calvinist. But when an Arminian says that when a man sins, the sin is his own, and that if he continues in sin, and … Continue reading “Calvinism”


Hungry Pythons Here is an instruction on how to react to hungry pythons, as given to Peace Corpsmen serving in Brazil: “Remember not to run away, the python can run faster. The thing to do is to lie flat on the ground on your back with your feet together, arms at your side, head well … Continue reading “Calm”


Death If you live in a graveyard too long you stop crying when someone dies. Source unknown