A Bone Shared A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. – Jack London Source unknown
God’s Sword I know you will apply hard to German, but do not forget the culture of the inner man—I mean of the heart. How diligently the cavalry officer keeps his sabre clean and sharp; every stain he rubs off with the greatest care. Remember you are God’s sword, His instrument—I trust, a chosen vessel … Continue reading “Character”
Forces of Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it. Issac Newton, First Law of Motion The Balloon On June 4, 1783 at the market square of a French village of Annonay, not far from Paris, a smoky bonfire on a raised platform was fed … Continue reading “Change”
It Was Meant to Be Marcel Sternberger was a methodical man of nearly 50, with bushy white hair, guileless brown eyes, and the bouncing enthusiasm of a czardas dancer of his native Hungary. He always took the 9:09 Long Island Railroad train from his suburban home to Woodside, N.Y., where he caught a subway into … Continue reading “Chance”
Get in Over Your Head! by Ray Pritchard Have you heard the story of Charlie Riggs? Over 50 years ago, he came to Christ and was discipled by a young man named Lorne Sanny, who himself was being discipled by Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators. Charlie was willing to grow in Christ, but he … Continue reading “Challenge”
Chalcedon, Council of
Four Precautions The Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.) failing to penetrate the mystery of the divine and human natures of Christ, offered four precautions that would protect the Christian from error when contemplating this mystery. 1. Attribute true and proper divinity to Christ. 2. Attribute true and proper humanity to Christ 3. Do not so … Continue reading “Chalcedon, Council of”
Over Confidence Money magazine reported in its January 1997 issue that a group of people were asked which is longer, the Panama Canal or the Suez Canal, and then asked how certain they were that their answer was correct. Among those who were 60% certain, 50% of them got the answer right—meaning that this group … Continue reading “Certainty”
Misery Dinner Author Leo Buscaglia tells this story about his mother and their “misery dinner.” It was the night after his father came home and said it looked as if he would have to go into bankruptcy because his partner had absconded with their firm’s funds. His mother went out and sold some jewelry to … Continue reading “Celebration”
Opportunities Missed There was a very cautious man Who never laughed or played; He never risked, he never tried, He never sang or prayed. And when he one day passed away His insurance was denied; For since he never really lived, They claimed he never died! Source unknown Eggs in Basket Put all thine eggs … Continue reading “Caution”
Bungling Burglar In San Antonio, a man was sentenced to ten years probation for a bungled burglary of a liquor store. The burglar had cut his hand badly when he broke through the roof of the store. He tried to throw a bottle of whiskey out through the hole he had created but missed, causing … Continue reading “Caught”