Come, Lord Come, Lord, and tarry not; Bring the long-looked-for day; O why these years of waiting here, These ages of delay? Come, for Thy saints still wait; Daily ascends their sigh; The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come’: Dost Thou not hear the cry? Come, for creation groans, Impatient of Thy stay, Worn out … Continue reading “Christ, return of”
Christ, prophecies fulfilled by
Accurate Prophecies Dr. Charles Ryrie says that according to the laws of chance, it would require two hundred billion earths, populated with four billion people each, to come up with one person whose life could fulfill one hundred accurate prophecies without any errors in sequence. Yet the Scriptures record not one hundred, but over three … Continue reading “Christ, prophecies fulfilled by”
Christ, presence
Not What But Whom Not what, but whom, I do believe That in my darkest hour of need Hath comforts that no mortal creed To mortal man may give. Not what but whom, For Christ is more than all the creeds And his full life of gentle deeds Shall all the creeds outlive. Not what … Continue reading “Christ, presence”
Christ, post-resurrection appearances of
Resource • The Expositor, W.R. Nicoll, ed., 3rd Series, vol 1, 1885, p. 474, "The appearance of the risen Jesus to all the apostles, B.B. Warfield.
Christ, two natures
Council of Chalcedon The Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.) failing to penetrate the mystery of the divine and human natures of Christ, offered four precautions that would protect the Christian from error when contemplating this mystery. • Attribute true and proper divinity to Christ. • Attribute true and proper humanity to Christ • Do not … Continue reading “Christ, two natures”
Christ, Messiah
Resources • Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine, H. Wayne House, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publ. House, 1992), pp. 60-61 • Marching Orders, C. Laney, p. 22 • Dan 9:25–26 Gen 49:10 Psalm 110:1 II Samuel 7:12–16 Luke 1:31–3 Isaiah 52:13–53:12 Psalm 16:10 Isaiah 9:1–7
Christ, example of
If He’s a Sacrifice If Christ was meant just as an example, He’s over engineered—i.e. a Porsche sports car engineered to do 150 m.p.h. that can only be driven at 55 m.p.h. A good example would be Mother Teresa. She was within reach. If Christ is an example, no one needs him. If He’s a … Continue reading “Christ, example of”
Christ, empathetic
Too Tough “The road is too rough,” I said, “Dear Lord, there are stones that hurt me so.” And He said, “Dear child, I understand, I walked it long ago.” “But there’s a cool green path,” I said; “Let me walk there for a time.” “No child,” He gently answered me, “The green path does … Continue reading “Christ, empathetic”
Christ, deity of
Who Do You Think Jesus Is? In a 1983 Gallup poll Americans were asked “who do you think Jesus is.” 70% of those interviewed said Jesus was not just another man. 42% stated Jesus was God among men. 27% felt Jesus was only human but divinely called. 9% states Jesus was divine because he embodied … Continue reading “Christ, deity of”
Christ, death of
Christ’s Triumph Theologians tell a story to illustrate how Christ’s triumph presently benefits our lives: Imagine a city under siege. The enemy that surrounds they city will not let anyone or anything leave. Supplies are running low, and the citizens are fearful. But in the dark of the night, a spy sneaks through the enemy … Continue reading “Christ, death of”