
The Honour and happiness unite To make the Christian’s name a praise; How fair the scene, how clear the light, That fills the remnant of His days! A kingly character He bears, No change His priestly office knows; Unfading is the crown He wears, His joys can never reach a close. Adorn’d with glory from … Continue reading “Christian”

Christ, work of

Maps Em Griffin writes, in MAKING FRIENDS, about three kinds of London maps: the street map, the map depicting throughways, and the underground map of the subway. “Each map is accurate and correct,” he writes, “but each map does not give the complete picture. To see the whole, the three maps must be printed one … Continue reading “Christ, work of”

Christ, victory of

Jesus is Going to Win Vernon Grounds writes, “A friend told me of an incident that happened while he was in seminary. Since the school had no gymnasium, he and his friends played basket ball in a nearby public school. Nearby, an elderly janitor waited patiently until the finished playing. Invariably he sat there reading … Continue reading “Christ, victory of”

Christ, titles & names of

The Stone The first mention of Christ “the stone” is found parenthetically in Jacob’s deathbed blessing upon his son Joseph: “from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel” (Gen 49:24). God intended this Stone for a “sure foundation,” “a tried Stone, a precious corner Stone” (Isa 28:16). Unfortunately, the builders rejected the Stone (Ps … Continue reading “Christ, titles & names of”

Christ, sufficiency of

Comfort in Tragedy One night while conducting an evangelistic meeting in the Salvation Army Citadel in Chicago, Booth Tucker preached on the sympathy of Jesus. After his message a man approached him and said, “If your wife had just died, like mine has, and your babies were crying for their mother, who would never come … Continue reading “Christ, sufficiency of”