(February 14, 1859), was the 33rd State admitted to the Union. The Constitution of the State of Oregon, adopted 1857, stated:

Bill of Rights, Article I, Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences.3047

Bates, Katherine Lee (August 12, 1859–March 28, 1929), was an American poet and educator. She was professor of English literature at Wellesley College, 1891–1925. In 1892, after seeing the inspiring view from atop Pike’s Peak in Colorado, she penned the patriotic song America the Beautiful. This song became so popular that in 1920 it almost became the U.S. National Anthem:

O Beautiful for Spacious Skies,

For Amber Waves of Grain,

For Purple Mountain Majesties

Above the Fruited Plain!

America! America!

God Shed His Grace on Thee

And Crowned Thy Good with Brotherhood

From Sea to Shining Sea!

O Beautiful for Pilgrims Feet,

Whose Stern Impassioned Stress

A Thoroughfare for Freedom Beat

Across the Wilderness!

America! America!

God Mend Thy Every Flaw,

Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control

Thy Liberty in Law!

O Beautiful for Heros Proved

In Liberating Strife,

Who More Than Self Their Country Loved,

And Mercy More Than Life!

America! America!

May God Thy Gold Refine

Till All Success Be Nobleness

And Every Gain Divine!

O Beautiful for Patriots Dream

That Sees Beyond the Years

Thine Alabaster Cities Gleam

Undimmed by Human Tears!

America! America!

God Shed His Grace On Thee

And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood

From Sea to Shining Sea!3048