(1927), in the case of Kaplan v. Independent School District of Virginia, 214 N.W. 18 (Minn. 1927), stated:
The legislature has, however, seen the need of moral training and of instruction in the care of body and mind. What is more natural than turning to that book for moral precepts which for ages has been regarded by the majority of the peoples of the most civilized nations as the fountain of moral teachings? [Quoting Vidal v. Girard’s Executor’s]. … It may be truthfully asserted that no more exacting rules of obedience to constituted civil authority and of right living conducive to good will among men exists anywhere than those found in the New Testament of the Bible—rules to which neither Jew nor atheist can reasonably take exception.
We shall not stop to discuss whether or not this is a Christian nation; it is enough to refer to such discussion in the decisions hereinafter cited. However, we think it cannot be successfully controverted that this government was founded on the principles of Christianity by men either dominated by or reared amidst its influence.
But we do feel that the intolerance which drove so many to seek an asylum in America has gradually abated and is not now so intense. This intolerance touching religion, the Bible, or certain scientific lines of study is not confined to the Christian or the orthodox Jew, but it seems to grip the atheist and the disbeliever as intensely. Speaking for myself only, I think that instead of fostering this spirit of intolerance by a strained construction of the Constitution so as to exclude from use by public schools of any book proclaiming great moral precepts, it is more desirable that a liberal construction be adopted to the end that even in the public school the pupils perceive that there is that in our principles of government which recognizes the religious element of man and guarantees protection to its free exercise and culture, and that divergent views of others concerning religion and worship should be tolerated and respected so long as there is not effort made to teach or induce any pupil to adopt them.3848