(March 25, 1827–July 28, 1917), served as U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, 1885, and U.S. Navy Commodore, 1881. During the Civil War, he commanded the monitor Nantucket; the frigate Wabash; the double-ender Sonoma; as well as the Canadaigua; and the Pontiac. Stephen Bleecker Luce founded the U.S. Naval War College at Newport, Rhode Island, considered the highest educational institution in the U.S. Navy. In 1884, as the first president of the college, Stephen Bleecker Luce stated:
Surely seamen are worthy to appear in your “Cloud of Witnesses.” Not only did our Saviour consort with the seamen of Galilee, but there are many examples in history of noted naval heroes who exhibited the highest Christian virtues. I wish to be counted among this great company of believers in the divinity of Christ, and in the inspiration of all Scripture.2650