(b.January 16, 1942), a U.S. Representative from Ohio, 96th–103rd Congresses; was an Ohio State Senator, 1973–78; an Ohio State Representative, 1969–72; and a volunteer with the Peace Corps in Thailand, 1966–67.

As a member of the 100th Congress, he supported President Ronald Reagan’s signing of Public Law 100–307, January 25, 1988, setting aside the first Thursday of each May to celebrate a National Day of Prayer. He stated:

The National Day of Prayer offers a tremendous opportunity for our entire nation to be humbly united in communication with God. Prayer is a “toll-free-lifeline” to our most important Friend. I can’t imagine facing the many challenges of service in Congress without prayer. Prayer truly is a two-way exchange with God. In some way, often unexpected, I discover that my concerns are answered through new insights to peaceful understanding that I could never have obtained without spiritual assistance. I urge everyone to discover the powerful potential of prayer.3890