(February 3, 1811–November 29, 1872), was an American journalist, newspaper editor and politician. He made famous the phrase, “Go West, Young Man!” Horace Greeley founded and edited the New York Tribune daily paper and The New Yorker magazine.
Called by the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, “our later Franklin,” Greeley’s strong anti-slavery editorials helped to stir the North to oppose slavery. He was one of the founders of the Republican Party and used his influence to secure the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. In his Autobiography, Horace Greeley wrote:
It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.2435
Your reference to the “blameless Christian wife”—and what is “more pleasing in the sight of God”?—impels me to say that I must consider Jesus of Nazareth a better authority as to what is Christian and what pleases God than you are.
His testimony on the subject is expressed and unequivocal (Matt. xix. 9) that a marriage can be ruthfully dissolved because of adultery alone. You well know that was not the law either of the Jews or Romans in His day, so that He can not have been misled by custom or tradition, even were it possible for Him to have been mistaken. I believe He was wholly right.2436
I am not, therefore, to be classed with those who claim to have been converted from one creed to another by studying the Bible alone.
Certainly, upon re-reading that Book in the light of my new convictions, I found therein abundant proofs to their correctness in the averments of patriarchs, Genesis iii. 15; xii. 3; Prophets, Isaiah xxv. 8; Apostles, Romans v. 12–21; viii. 19–21; I. Cor. xv. 42–54; Eph. i. 8–10; Col. i. 19–21; I. Tim. 2, 3–6; and of the Messiah Himself, Matthew xv. 13; John xii. 32. …
In the light of this faith the dark problem of evil is irradiated, and virtually solved. “Perfect through suffering” was the way traced out by the great Captain of our Salvation.2437