GENESIS 2:18–25
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh
(Genesis 2:24).
Yesterday we saw that all of mankind exists in covenant with God through Adam and is morally bound to the laws of creation. What are some of these “creation ordinances” that bind all humanity? One is the sanctity of life. It was not necessary for the human race to wait for Moses’ trip to Mount Sinai to discover that it is wrong to murder. Because human beings were created in God’s image, murder is an attack on God. This is a creation ordinance.
Another principle is the sanctity of marriage, seen in Genesis 2:24. Marriage did not evolve socially. Because marriage is a creation ordinance, the church also recognizes the validity of civil marriage ceremonies.
A third creation ordinance is the sanctity of labor. God established principles of work at the very beginning of history. God called on Adam to dress the garden, to name the animals, and to work six days and rest on the seventh. This, of course, establishes the sanctity of the Sabbath as a time when all men are to rest in fellowship with God.
As Christians, we live under God’s creation ordinances and also under the laws of the new covenant in the church. It is rather like living under the laws of the United States and also under the laws of the state of Missouri. This distinction is helpful in understanding our responsibility toward civil government in our country. We should not seek to impose the special laws of the new covenant on all people, neither should we form a lobby group to impose the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on all citizens.
We do have an obligation, however, to institute God’s creation ordinances on all men, both for their own good and for the glory of God. Thus, Christians should work to see the sanctity of life, marriage, work, and the day of rest, protected by law.
Isaiah 41–42
Colossians 1
Church and state are separate. What does this lesson say about our duties in the area of abortion, pornography, oppressive taxation, or businesses that require employees to work on Sunday? Think of other creation ordinances which address current issues and consider how you might respond if and when conflict arises.
For further study: Acts 4:8–20; 5:21–42; Romans 2:14–16; Building a Christian Conscience series