During a terrible storm on the ocean, a small passenger ship rolled precariously in the roaring tempest. The furniture and anything else that could move was tied down, and the passengers were confined to their bunks for their own safety. Many on board thought the vessel was doomed.
Finally, a passenger who was determined to find out if there was any hope for survival, set out to see the one who was in command. Clinging to the walls and handrails, he made his way to the wave-lashed deck, up a ladder, and into the wheelhouse. He noticed that the ship was nearing land and was between some jagged rocks. It became apparent that the captain was trying to reach the safety of a calm bay up ahead. Knowing he could not make himself heard above the roar of the wind and waves, the captain just turned wordlessly to the worried passenger and smiled. Reassured, the man returned to the others and said, “Don’t be afraid. All is well. I’ve seen the captain’s face, and he smiled!”
When we are battered by the storms of life, we may be tempted to give in to feelings of hopelessness. But if we will look to our sovereign Captain (Hebrews 2:10 KJV) and commit our way to Him (Psalm 37:5), we will find peace even in the midst of great turmoil. We can trust Him to bring us through the storm (Mark 4:36-41).
Master, with anguish of spirit
I bow in my grief today;
The depths of my sad heart are troubled;
O waken and save, I pray!
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep o’er my sinking soul!
And I perish! I perish, dear Master;
O hasten, and take control!
The winds and the waves shall
obey Thy will, Peace be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,
Or demons, or men, or whatever it be,
No water can swallow the ship where lies,
The Master of ocean and earth and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace be still! Peace be still! Palmer