Christ, example of

If He’s a Sacrifice

If Christ was meant just as an example, He’s over engineered—i.e. a Porsche sports car engineered to do 150 m.p.h. that can only be driven at 55 m.p.h. A good example would be Mother Teresa. She was within reach. If Christ is an example, no one needs him. If He’s a sacrifice, we all need him.

Leadership, v. 4, #3, p. 108


Thou the Cross didst bear: What bear I? Thou the Thorn didst wear: What wear I? Thou to death didst dare: What dare I? Thou for me dost care: What care I?

Laurence Houseman, “Repayment,” quoted in Anthology of Jesus, ed. Warren Wiersbe


On one occasion the great Paderewski came to London for a piano concert. Joseph Parker, a former pastor of City Temple in London, and an accomplished musician himself, went to hear him play. The minister was so moved by what he heard that he did a very strange thing when he returned home. Standing by his piano, he called to his wife, “Bring me an ax! Today I heard great music for the first time. By comparison, what I can do amounts to nothing at all. I feel like chopping my piano to pieces.”

Although Parker did not follow through with this threat, he realized that he could never be a Paderewski by simply following his example. To do so, he would need Paderewski’s hands—yes, the very soul of the great musician.

Source unknown

Character of Christ

•      Humble service (John 13:1–5)

•      Holiness (I Peter 1:15–16)

•      Righteousness (I John 3:7)

•      Purity (I John 3:3)

•      Love (Ephesians 5:1–2)

•      Forgiveness (Colossians 3:13)

•      Compassion (Ephesians 4:32)

•      Endurance (Hebrews 12:2–4)

•      Submission (I Peter 2:21–4)

•      Humility, obedience (Philippians 2:5–8)

•      Kindness (Luke 6:35)

•      Generous giving (II Corinthians 8:1–9)

Source unknown