NEW BOOK BY ALAN MILLARD Reviewed by Bryant G. Wood

Alan Millard, Rankin Reader in Hebrew and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Liverpool, has produced a companion volume to his Treasures From Bible Times (reviewed in the Autumn 1987 issue of Archaeology and Biblical Research). Treasures covers the Old Testament period and now his new book, Discoveries From the Time of Jesus, takes us into the world of the New Testament. The book is divided into six parts, each covering a different aspect of the times of Jesus.

Part One delves into recent archaeological discoveries to paint a portrait of daily life. In Part Two, “Rulers of the Land,” Millard gives a helpful overview of the history and politics of the time, followed by a discussion of the religious institutions of the day in Part Three. Death and Burial are covered in Part Four, while Part Five goes into extra-Biblical sources for the first century, including Philo, Josephus, and a number of other Roman and Jewish writings. The final section deals with New Testament manuscripts and their reliability; Millard concludes: “No other ancient Greek books are known from such a wide range of copies, written so close to the times when their authors composed them.”

Not only is Discoveries full of valuable information, but it is also a pleasure to look at. As with Treasures, Millard’s latest effort is lavishly illustrated with beautiful colored pictures. The pattern established in the earlier volume is continued; the material is presented in short, easy-to-digest sections. A list of references and an index add to the value of the book for reference purposes. The times of Jesus and the world of the Gospels will come alive in a delightful way as you travel through the pages of Discoveries From the Time of Jesus.

(Hard cover, 189 pages, $27.00; order from ABR, P.O. Box 125, Ephrata PA 17522, please add $3.00 for postage and handling.)