Bob Boyd

After the discovery of gunpowder by the Chinese in the ninth century A.D., weapons of warfare have become so sophisticated there is fear today that someone might push the wrong button and precipitate a nuclear holocaust! What about weapons of warfare in days gone by?

It is apparent that early man used clubs and stones. Flint axes, arrows and spears became common. In the Bronze Age, bronze spears were used. Pictured is a bronze spearhead, ca. 2000 B. C., found in an excavation at the Old Testament site of Dothan (Gn 37:17). Later, “sling stones” became weapons of renown. They were made of stone or flint, so chiseled and shaped that they looked like stone balls. Several were found at Dothan. Each measured about two inches in diameter and weighed about three-quarters of a pound.a According to Judges 20:15–17, 700 men of Benjamin’s tribe were skilled in the

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art of the use of sling stones. They could “sling stones at an hair breadth” and not miss. This is what we would call “hitting the bull’s eye!”

In modern warfare soldiers of the Army are called infantrymen, those of the navy are called sailors, and those of the Air Force are called pilots. In Old Testament days men who used bows and arrows were called bowmen (Jer 4:29); those who used spears were called spearmen (Psa 68:30); and those who used sling stones were called slingers (2 Kgs 25:3). Boys today make a “sling shot” with a Y-branch from a small tree, using two pieces of rubber strap, one each fastened to the top parts of the Y, and a leather pouch to hold the stone. In olden days, two pieces of cord were used, about 2 feet long, tied to a leather or woven pouch to hold the sling stones. The slinger would hold the ends of the two cords, twirl it around his head several times, and at the right moment release one cord, sending the stone toward its mark (or an enemy). The victim, while falling to the ground, might say, “Wow, nothing like that ever entered my head before!”

“Engines of war” became potent weapons (Ez 26:9). In the eighth century BC, King Uzziah made engines in Jerusalem, “to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones” (2 Chr 26:15). Such engines housed a mechanical arm to hurl huge stone balls. Twisted rope or strands of leather were wound around levers to create tension. When released, the stones were hurled at their targets. Some “engines” were used as battering rams to penetrate city walls.

Archaeological findings have done much to support the records of physical warfare mentioned in the Old Testament. The New Testament speaks of a spiritual warfare. The believer in Christ is in a constant battle “against the wiles of the devil, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness

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Soldiers with whole armor of Rome


Bronze spear point

Flint ax



Slingers and bowmen

of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 2:2; 6:11b, 12).

Israel’s God promised He would fight her battles and gave such encouragement as: “Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?. .. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might [and are weary], He giveth strength. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Is 40:28–30).

With such encouragement as this in the believer’s battles of life, in contrast to Roman soldiers being equipped for battle, he can take God’s provision for his warfare— “the whole armor of God” (Eph 6:13–18):

1) His loins girt about with truth, to keep him on the move for God.

2) Having on the breastplate of righteousness, to keep his heart right with God.

3) His feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, “go ye” and witness.

4) Taking the shield of faith to ward off the fiery darts (attacks) of the wicked one.

5) Putting on the helmet of salvation to protect his mind.

6) Using the sword of the Spirit — relying upon God’s word for victory (Mt 4:1–10).

7) Praying always that he enter not into temptation (Mt 26:41).

By submitting ourselves to God, putting on His whole armor, watching and praying that we enter not into temptation, we resist the devil and he will flee from us (Jas 4:7). We then become “more than a conqueror through Christ who loves us” (Rom 8:37). By so doing, we become a “slinger” who always hits the target “within a hair’s breadth!”