Mark Twain
Mark Twain married a Christian lady. She at first didn’t want to marry, but later did. He at first went through the motions of religion with her, but later said he couldn’t keep up the hypocrisy. In time, she came to the place where she no longer believed in a personal God. During a time of deep grief, Twain said to his wife, “If your Christian faith will comfort you, go back to it.” She replied, “I have none.”
Source unknown
Ox and Ass
Compare Deuteronomy 22:9–11
Principle – What God has joined, we must not separate. What God has separated, we must not join.
Unequal yoking is:
1. Unfitting – Different in size, temperament, strength. Ox clean, Ass unclean.
2. Unfair – Both would suffer pain, discomfort.
A poor working combination.
Source unknown
Ted Turner
Cable television mogul Ted Turner criticized fundamentalist Christianity and said Jesus probably would “be sick at his stomach” over the way his ideas have been “twisted,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. Turner made his remarks Friday evening at a banquet in Orlando, Fla., where he was given an award by the American Humanist Association for his work on behalf of the environment and world peace. Turner said he had a strict Christian upbringing and at one time considered becoming a missionary. “I was saved seven or eight times,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. But he said he became disenchanted with Christianity after his sister died, despite his prayers. Turner said the more he strayed from his faith, “the better I felt.”
Spokesman-Review, May 1, 1990
• I.H. Marshall, Jesus the Savior, IVP, 1990, p. 306ff
• Taking The Guesswork Out of Applying The Bible, J. Kuhatschek, IVP, p. 137ff