(December 14, 1819), was the 22nd State admitted to the Union. The Constitution of the State of Alabama, adopted 1901, stated:
Preamble. We, the people of the State of Alabama, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama.2538
Article I, Section 1. Inalienable Rights. That all men are equally free and independent; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.2539
Article I, Section 3. Religious Freedom. That no religion shall be established by law; that no preference shall be given by law to any religious sect, society, denomination, or mode of worship; that no one shall be compelled by law to attend any place of worship; nor to pay any tithes, taxes, or other rate for building or repairing any place of worship, or for maintaining any minister or ministry; that no religious test shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under this state; and that the civil rights, privileges, and capacities of any citizen shall not be in any manner affected by his religious principles.2540
Article XVI, Section 279. Oath of Office. All members of the legislature, and all officers, executive and judicial, before they enter upon the execution of the duties of their respective offices, shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I, solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability. So help me God.”2541
Article I, Section 26. Right to Bear Arms. That every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.2542
Article I, Section 32. Slavery. That no form of slavery shall exist in this state; and there shall not be any involuntary servitude, otherwise than for punishment of crime, of which the party shall have been duly convicted.2543
Article IV, Section 65. Lotteries. The legislature shall have no power to authorize lotteries or gift enterprises for any purpose, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale in this state of lottery or gift enterprise tickets, or tickets in any scheme in the nature of a lottery.2544
Article IV, Section 86. Dueling. The legislature shall pass such penal laws as it may deem expedient to suppress the evil practice of dueling.2545
Article V, Section 125. Approval, Veto of Bills. … If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within six days, Sunday excepted, after if shall have been presented, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it.2546
Article VIII, Section 182. Disqualification of voters. The following persons shall be disqualified both from registering, and from voting, namely: All idiots and insane persons; those who shall be reason of conviction of crime be disqualified from voting at the time of the ratification of this Constitution; those who shall be convicted of treason, murder, arson, embezzlement, malfeasance in office, larceny, receiving stolen property, obtaining property or money under false pretenses, perjury, subordination of perjury, robbery, assault with intent to rob, burglary, forgery, bribery, assault and battery on the wife, bigamy, living in adultery, sodomy, incest, rape … 2547
Article VIII, Section 186. Registration of electors. … Fifth—The board of registrars shall have power to examine, under oath or affirmation, all applicants for registration, and to take testimony touching the qualifications of such applicants. Each member of such board is authorized to administer the oath to be taken by the applicants and witnesses, which shall be in the following form, and subscribed by the person making it, and preserved by the board, namely: “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in the matter of the application of for registration as an elector, I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”2548