State of Arizona
Ditat Deus (God enriches)
State of Colorado
Nil sine Numine (Nothing without Providence)
State of Connecticut
Qui transtulit sustinet (He who transplanted still sustains)
State of Hawii
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)
State of Kansas
Ad astra per aspera (To the stars through difficulties)
State of Kentucky
United we stand, divided we fall
State of New York
Excelsior (Ever upward)
State of Ohio
With God, all things are possible
State of Rhode Island
Family and Personal
Union makes strength
Motto of the King of the Belians
Speaking the truth in love.
Motto (from Ephesians 4:15) used on letters to friends of Professor Blackie
My heart I give you, Lord, eagerly and entirely.
Motto of John Calvin
What God wills, I will.
Motto of Lord Dormer
Find a way or make one.
Motto of Henry Ford
In God is my hope.
Motto of the Gerard family
Virtue is the only nobility.
Motto of the Earl of Guildford
To a valiant heart nothing is impossible.
Motto of Henry IV of France
Never speak of others’ faults nor your own virtues.
Motto of Bob Hope
Night is coming
Motto of Samuel Johnson, Walter Scott and Robert Murray M’Cheyne
Send me where workers are most needed and difficulties are greatest.
Motto of Robert Morrison
At the all-powerful disposal of God.
Motto of the Earl of Mount Edgecumbe
You may be whatever you resolve to be.
Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson
Hope in God.
Motto of the Duke of Northumberland
Fidelity is of God.
Motto of Viscount Powerscourt
The first principle God’s honor, the second man’s happiness, the means prayer and unremitting diligence.
Motto of Lord Shaftesbury
I serve.
Motto since 1346 of the Prince of Wales
Love loyalty
Motto of the Marquis of Winchester
I have one passion, and it is He, only He.
Motto of Count von Zinzendorf
Heart speaks to heart.
Motto of J.H. Newman
God only do I seek.
Motto of the Marquis of Northampton