

•      Unraveling the Big Questions About God, K. Boa, Zondervan, 1988, pp. 24ff

•      The Historical Development of the Doctrine of Christ, J. Hannah, Walvoord: A Tribute, Donald Campbell, ed., Moody, 1982, p. 127.

•      Perspectives on Evangelical Theology, K. Kantzer, S. Gundry, Baker, 1979, "Christology from Above and Christology from Below:”

•      A Study of Contrasting Methodologies," M. Erickson, p. 43

•      Perspectives on Evangelical Theology, K. Kantzer, S. Gundry, Baker, 1979, "Why Has God Incarnate Suddenly Become Mythical?"

•      J.W. Montgomery, p. 57.

•      Perspectives on Evangelical Theology, K. Kantzer, S. Gundry, Baker, 1979, "Black Christology in Hostorical Perspective," M. Inch, 151.

•      Studies in Theology, James Denney, Hodder & Stoughton, 1895, p. 24, "The witness of Jesus to Himself."

•      Studies in Theology, James Denney, Hodder & Stoughton, 1895, p. 47, "The apostolic doctrine of Christ."

Christ’s Own Testimony

Introduction, Christ’s own testimony concerning his deity, Testimony of the disciples, Titles ascribed to Jesus Christ, The Son of God, The Son of Man, The pre-existence of Christ, The attributes of deity are ascribed to Christ, Jesus’ life the fulfillment of a divine plan, The miracles of Jesus, Importance of belief in the deity of Christ, The humanity of Christ, The humiliation of Christ, The exaltation of Christ, The relation of the two natures in Christ, The incarnation, The sinlessness of Jesus, The virgin birth, Christ the Messiah of O.T. prophecy, The personal appearance of Jesus, The offices of Christ, Erroneous views concerning the person of Christ, Conclusion

Studies in Theology, L. Boettner, Eerdmans, 1947, pp. 140-269.