Average Male
The average male is: 5’ 9” tall and 173 pounds. Is married, 1.8 years older than his wife and would marry her again. Has not completed college. Earns $28,605 per year. Prefers showering to taking a bath. Sends about 7.2 hours a week eating. Does not know his cholesterol count, but it’s 211. Watches 26 hours and 44 minutes of TV a week. Takes out the garbage in his household. Prefers white underwear to colored. Cries about once a month–one fourth as much as Jane Doe. Falls in love an average of six times during his life. Eats his corn on the cob in circles, not straight across, and prefers his steak medium. Can’t whistle by inserting his fingers in his mouth. Prefers that his toilet tissue unwind over, rather than under, the spool. Has sex 2.55 times a week. Daydreams mostly about sex. Thinks he looks okay in the nude. Will not stop to ask for directions when he’s in the car.
From Men’s Health, quoted in Parade Magazine, 12–29-91, p. 5
Average American
On an average day in the USA: 1,169,863 people take a taxi, 176,810,950 eggs are laid, 21,000 gallons of oil are spilled from tankers and barges, 63,288 cars crash, 28 mailmen are bitten by dogs, 2 billion $1 bills are in circulation, industry generates nearly 1 pound of hazardous waste for every person in America, 1.1 million people are in the hospital, the U.S. Postal Service sells 90 million stamps, handles 320 million pieces of mail and delivers 833,000 packages, 180,000 people buy new radios, 500 million cups of coffee are drunk, 80 million people hear Muzak, 10,205 people give blood, $54,794 is spent to fight dandruff, bricklayers lay 22,741,000 bricks, amateurs take 19,178,000 shapshots, 9,077 babies are born, 2,466 children are bitten by dogs, 5,962 couples wed, every one of us produces nearly 6 pounds of garbage.
American Averages, 1980, William B. Mead and Myron Feinsilber, Doubleday