I. Source of the Fruit.

1. THE SOURCE IS NOT IN THE BRANCH. The branch cannot bear fruit of itself (Joh_15:4-5). In me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing. Might as well expect figs from thistles as the fruit of the Spirit from the carnal mind.

2. THE SOURCE IS IN CHRIST HIMSELF. ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD DWELLETH IN HIM. He, as the true and living Vine, has His roots in the Eternal Father. He as Man is the Bowl into which the oil flows from the living trees, and from which all the lamps receive their supply (Zec_4:2), and are filled with the fruits of righteousness.

3. THE SUPPLY IS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT (Rom_5:5). The sap in the vine is a beautiful metaphor of the Holy Spirit flowing through Christ into those who are abiding in Him. The sap quickens into newness of life.

4. IT FILLS THE ABIDING BRANCH with the life of the vine (Joh_6:63). So by His Spirit are we made possessors of the Divine life. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His.

II. Characteristics of the Fruit-Bearers. They are-

1. CHOSEN ONES (Joh_15:16). As withered and worthless branches they have been chosen of God. While we were like the unwashed outcast in Ezekiel 16, He passed by and set His love upon us.

2. ADOPTED ONES (Rom_8:15). Not only chosen, but adopted into His family; planted into the Living Vine, and made partakers of the fullness therein. "All one in Christ."

3. ABIDING ONES (Joh_15:5). Those who feel and know that their life and strength depend entirely upon their union with the Living One. When first planted into Christ they were as dry as the boards of the Tabernacle.

4. SANCTIFIED ONES (Rom_15:10). Having been chosen and adopted, they have been sanctified-set apart- for the Lord’s use. When the Spirit possesses the Christian, as the sap does the engrafted branch, it is that God might be glorified in him.

5. RECEIVING ONES (Act_1:8). They have nothing to give until they have first received of His Holy Spirit. What can a branch give to a vine before it becomes a part of it? Well may the branches say, "What have we that we have not received?"

6. POSSESSED ONES (1Co_3:16). The branch not possessed by the sap is a withered one, and cannot show forth the character of the vine. "Abide in Me and I in you." It is God who dwelleth in you; He doeth the work.

7. FILLED ONES (Act_2:4), The branch must first be filled with sap before it can be fruitful. Fruit is the result of abundance of life. Be filled with the Spirit.

III. Character of the Fruit. Here we would observe, and let us put emphasis on the fact-

1. THAT THIS FRUIT IS THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (Eph_5:9). It is not of the Christian-apart from the Spirit- but the outcome of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit abiding in the Christian. The branch does not labour to bring forth fruit, but the sap does, and so it is the fruit of the sap. "It is God who worketh in you."

2. THIS FRUIT MEANS THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST (Rom_5:5). If the Holy Ghost sheds abroad in our hearts the love of God, it is that this string of pearls, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13, and worn by Jesus Christ, might be exhibited in us. If this love is begotten in us by the spirit it will enable us to bring forth such fruit as that mentioned in Colossians 3. As the sap takes the things of the root and reveals them on the branch, so does the Spirit take the things of Christ and show them unto us, that they might be manifested through us.

3. THE FRUIT IS THE PROOF AND POWER OF THE CHRISTIAN. "By their fruit ye shall know them." The light of a Spirit filled life will lead others to glorify our Father in Heaven. If Christ dwells in our heart by faith the features of His character will be seen in our life.

IV. Preciousness of the Fruit.

1. IT BRINGS GLORY AND PRAISE TO GOD (Php_1:11). Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit. Christ said, "I am the true Vine, My Father is the Husbandman." How much this Husbandman must have rejoiced over the fruit of this Vine.

2. IT BRINGS SATISFACTION TO THE HEART OF CHRIST (Cant. 2Ti_4:6). To see His own image in the lives of His people must be fruit sweet to His taste. The fruits that bring praise to the Father are all His own. "His pleasant fruits."

3. IT IS A WITNESS TO THE GRACE AND POWER OF GOD (Act_1:8). A fruit-bearing Christian is a wonderful exhibition of Divine mercy. They are witnesses, through the Holy Spirit, to the mighty saving, satisfying power of Jesus Christ.

4. IT LEADS OTHERS TO BELIEVE IN GOD (Act_2:41). "They seeing your good works, may glorify your Father." When they saw the boldness of Peter and John they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. If we abide in Christ we shall be like Joseph, "A fruitful bough by the well, whose branches run over the wall."

Autor: James Smith