Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Those who pray most have most encouragement to pray. Their testimony is: "I love the Lord because He hath heard my voice."

I. The Promises. They are-

1. SURE (Joh_16:23). "Verily, I say unto you." Think of the Promiser. I, who made the Heavens and the earth. I, who have all power; the faithful and true Witness, the God who cannot lie, the Lord thy Redeemer.

2. SIMPLE (Mat_7:7). The statements here are such as any child might understand. How gracious our God is to put such great and mysterious truths in such childlike language, so unlike the wisdom of this world.

3. SUFFICIENT. This "whatsoever ye shall ask" is surely a wide door and effectual. There is enough here for the life that now is and for the life which is to come. His "How much more" (Luk_11:13) is surely sufficient to assure His willingness to give. All the promises are "Yea and amen" in Him.

II. The Conditions. Like the promises, they are plain and simple. That we-

1. ASK (Mat_7:7). As children, we are to let our requests be made known in a childlike fashion.

2. ASK OF THE FATHER (Joh_16:23). Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. We have liberty of access. What a privilege!

3. ASK IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Let us ever remember that this new way is through the rent veil of the Redeemer’s flesh, but let us come with boldness.

4. ASK ACCORDING TO HIS WILL (1Jn_5:14-15). If the Word of Christ is dwelling in us richly, then we will ask those things which are pleasing to Him.

5. ASK IN FAITH (Mar_11:24). He that cometh to God must believe. "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed, and the Heaven gave rain." Believe and thou shalt see.

6. ABIDE IN HIM (Joh_15:7). The branch not abiding in the vine need not pray to be filled with sap. Seeking His glory, ye may ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

7. THAT OUR HEART DOES NOT CONDEMN US (1Jn_3:21-22). It is possible-and, alas, so common-to ask with the lips what the heart never expects. He answers us not by the length and breadth of our petitions, but of our faith.

III. The Hindrances. We don’t speak here of hindrances to praying, but of those things which hinder the answers.

1. INSINCERITY (1Jn_3:21). It is quite possible to keep up the form of prayer and to be asking great things from God, while the heart is condemning it all.

2. WILFULNESS (Psa_66:18). Conscious of iniquity in the heart, but unwilling to confess it. First get reconciled to God about this matter, then bring your petition.

3. SELFISHNESS (Jam_4:3). Oh, the pride and subtlety of self asking divine things to feed the fires of its lusts. We pray for success that we might be successful. He will not give His glory to another.

4. IMPATIENCE (Psa_40:1). David says: "I waited patiently and He heard my cry." Don’t be a run-away knocker. Have the patience of God. If God can afford to wait so well might we.

5. UNBELIEF (Mar_11:24). This closes the door of expectancy. All things are possible to them that believe. Have faith in God. Believe ye that I am able to do this?

IV. The Examples. In the above texts we have some soul-inspiring examples of how the Lord answers prayer, and from which we may learn-

1. THAT THE LORD IS INTERESTED IN ALL THAT CONCERNS HIS CHILDREN (1Sa_1:27). What was a reproach to Hannah (barrenness) the Lord rolled away (2Pe_1:8 ).

2. THAT WE SHOULD BRING ALL OUR WANTS TO THE LORD (Exo_17:4-7). Be careful for nothing, be prayerful in everything (Php_4:6).

3. THAT WE SHOULD EXPECT THE VERY THINGS WE ASK (Ezr_8:21). Hannah said, "For this child I prayed." Although Paul did not get the thorn removed, yet from the fact that he prayed three times we see that he had been taught to expect what he asked (2Co_12:8).

4. THAT THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD (2Ki_4:23). Though he be dead, yet shall he live. Look unto Me, for 7 am God.

5. THAT THE LORD OFTEN GIVES FAR ABOVE WHAT WE ASK (1Ki_3:9-14). Elijah prayed that he might die (.1Ki_19:4), but the Lord translated him into Heaven.

6. THAT THE PRAYER OF FAITH IS THE MIGHTIEST WEAPON ON EARTH (1 Kings 17; 30-39). Think of what it has done in the past, is doing now, and might do in the future through you-only believe.

Autor: James Smith