The Lord Jesus Christ never sends anyone a warfare on their own charges. He takes the responsibility of supplying all the need of those who go forth at His bidding to do His will (Php_4:19). No man ever attempted to run a greater business than the apostle of the Gentiles, because no man was ever more deeply convinced of the wealth and wisdom of his Partner in the business. Lo, I am with you. In the following texts we have a six-fold revelation of how Paul was encouraged by his Lord and Master in his great missionary labours.

I. BY A SPECIAL CALL TO SERVICE (Act_22:18-21).-It was while praying in the temple at Jerusalem-shortly after his conversion-that he heard this definite call from God-"Depart, for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles." No one has ever accomplished any great work for Christ who has not been conscious of a distinct call from Him to do that work. The service of God, like any other Governmental service, implies a definite engagement, and a mutual understanding as to terms. The Holy Ghost, as God’s representative on earth, is the only agent authorised by Him to hire labourers for His vineyard (Act_13:2; Heb_5:4). He was encouraged

II. BY A SPECIAL WORD OF PROMISE.- "Be not afraid. . . for I am with you" (Act_18:9-10). Faith in the promise of His presence is the secret of courage and boldness in the service of the Lord. He does not say that no man shall oppose thee, but "No man shall hurt thee"-as a witness for Him. This promise was fulfilled to the letter. He was often thrashed and imprisoned and maligned, but as a witness for Christ no man or devil was able to hurt him. He finished his course with joy, because he fought the good fight in faith. Hiding in God, no weapon that is formed against us can prosper. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (Isa_54:17).

III. BY A SPECIAL MESSAGE OF CHEER.- "Be of good cheer, Paul, for thou must bear witness also at Rome" (Act_23:11). The news that a fortune had been left him would not have been half so cheering to the heart of Paul at any time as that he was going to be permitted to preach the Gospel of Christ in Rome also. How very considerate bur Lord is. He is always ready in one way or other to drop into the troubled hearts of His servants some word that brings consolation and comfort. He knows how to speak a word to the weary. This Good Shepherd is specially careful over those sheep whose lives are endangered through following Him. The Christian life should be one of "good cheer," because every good thing is ours in Christ Jesus (Rom_8:28).

IV. BY A SPECIAL ASSURANCE OF SALVATION.-"Fear not, Paul. God hath given thee all them that sail with thee" (Act_27:23-24). What a gift this was! What a triumph of faith and prayer! What an encouragement this would be to him, in his future ministry, to expect great things from God, and to look for many souls for his hire. Blessed is he that believeth, for there shall be a performance of those things which were told him from the Lord (Luk_1:45). They that are wise win souls.

V. BY A SPECIAL IMPARTATION OF POWER.-"The Lord stood with me and strengthened me" (2Ti_4:17). Five times he did receive forty stripes, save one, and six times did the Lord manifest Himself to him in times of need. When all men forsook him (1Sa_3:16), and were ashamed of him and his testimony, his faithful and glorified Master stood by him, as one despised and rejected with him, but mighty to save and to help. Many a foreign missionary knows what this means when they have been left to stand alone for the cause of Christ.

VI. BY A SPECIAL SUPPLY OF GRACE.- "He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee" (2Co_12:9). The Lord was not pleased to remove the thorn, which was to Paul as a "messenger of Satan," but He was greatly pleased to give him as much of His grace as would enable him to triumph gloriously over the affliction. The servants of Christ must not expect the source of every difficulty and sorrow to be removed; but they must expect "grace sufficient," like the incoming tide, to lift their souls like a ship above the threatening rocks. Who would not glory in their infirmities to be a partaker of the power of Christ?

Autor: James Smith