I.-Called and Equipped.
‘Yet the cloud of witness solemnly advances,
Widening as each clarion voice is hushed in death below;
Yet the heavenly vision gleams on raptured glances,
Prompt through changing vesture, their changeless Lord to know."
As soon as Moses was dead, the divine call came to Joshua, "Now, therefore, Arise" (Jos_1:2). God may bury His workman, but He still carries on His work. The Greek form of the name Joshua is Jesus. As a servant of God, there are many precious lessons that we might learn from his most wonderful life and work. We see him as-
I. An Inquirer. "But Joshua, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle" (Exo_33:11). In verse seven we read, "Every one which sought the Lord went into the tabernacle which was without the camp." We infer that the choice of this young man to abide in the tabernacle of the Lord proved his love for His fellowship and desire to know more fully His mind and will. Souls who are really anxious do not wait for stated hours to learn the way of life. When the heart is truly seeking God, His house and His Word will have a new fascination. The "broken cisterns" will be forsaken for the fountain of living water.
II. A Changed One. "And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua" (Num_13:16). This change of name was surely the indication of a change of nature. The old name, Hosea, implied that salvation was in himself; the new name, Jehoshua, taught that the "Lord is salvation." It is the old story of a conversion, when self-confidence is turned into faith in God, when the old supplanting nature is transformed into the princely and the divine, having power with God and with men, and prevailing (Gen_32:28). He waited on the Lord, and now his strength is exchanged. "Not I, but Christ."
III. A Witness. "Joshua said, The land which we passed through to search, it is an exceeding good land" (Num_14:6-9). At the time of murmuring, fear and dissention, he with Caleb, boldly took his stand upon the Word of God. He testified that the land was all that God had said it was. It was quite evident that he was on the Lord’s side. We are not following cunningly devised fables when we make known the power and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ. What need there is to-day for a fearless standing by the statements of God’s Word, in the face of all the murmurings of those unbelieving spies, who are now known as "higher critics." The cry of all rationalists is not "back to Christ," but "back to Egypt." "But the Lord is with us: fear them not" (Luk_24:9).
IV. One Called to Honour. "Take thee Joshua, and lay thine hand upon him,… and thou shalt put of thine honour upon him" (Num_27:18-20). Having taken his stand for God, he is now filled with the spirit of wisdom and power (Deu_34:9). He has sought the honour that comes from God only, and now he is abundantly rewarded with promotion in the service of the Lord. This is the anointing which they that believe should receive (Joh_7:29). The spirit of Moses rested on Joshua as the spirit of Elijah afterwards rested on Elisha, and as the Spirit of Christ should now rest upon us.
V. One Taught of God. In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, and Luk_24:1-9, we have the Lord Himself giving Joshua his marching orders. He received his great commission directly from God. This portion is worthy of the careful attention of all the Lord’s servants, as it reveals the spirit and manner in which He would have the work done.
1. Every step must be taken in faith (Luk_24:3).
2. The great purpose of God must be kept ever in view (Luk_24:4).
3. There must be the confidence of victory (Luk_24:5).
4. There must be courage and faithfulness in adhering closely to the Word of God (Luk_24:6-8).
5. His abiding presence must be continually reckoned on (Luk_24:9).
Truly the servant of God has a meat to eat that others knew not of.
VI. One Seeking the Glory of God. "Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves; and to the priests, Take up the Ark of the Covenant, and pass over before the people." He would have God first, and a sanctified people following. In such circumstances well may they expect the Lord to do "wonders among them." Before the Lord can be glorified before all the people, He must be sanctified in His own (see Lev_3:10). But notice the result of this God-honouring action on the part of Joshua. "That day the Lord began to magnify him in the sight of all Israel" (Luk_24:7). They who put God first will always have a first place of honour in His service. "Him that honoureth Me, I will honour" (Php_2:9).
VII. One Entirely Consecrated to the Will of God.
When he suddenly met the "Captain of the host of the Lord… he fell on his face to the earth,… saying, What saith my lord unto His servant" (Jos_5:13-15). Joshua would be perfectly satisfied just to know that His will was being done. This to him was a holy place; it is always such where His presence is. The shoes of our self-willed service must be taken off if we would stand accepted on the "holy ground" of His abiding presence. "Yield yourselves unto God."
VIII. One Victorious in the Cause of God. "The Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho" (Jos_6:2). "By faith the walls of Jericho fell down" (Heb_11:30). "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." They that honour their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan_11:32). It is in the weakness of our child-like faith that His strength is perfected (2Co_12:9). Success in the work of God is absolutely certain, when all the conditions are perfectly fulfilled. "Only be thou strong and very courageous; turn not to the right or to the left,… then shalt thou have good success" (Jos_1:7-9). The apostle said, "This one thing I do."
Autor: James Smith