
As sailors, travellers, and business men have at times to examine their whereabouts, surely pilgrims to eternity should know their whereabouts with relation to God. Where art thou?

1. With regard to the wrath of God. Are you fleeing from it or abiding in it? (Isa_3:36). In the Sodom of condemnation or the Zoar of safety?

2. With regard to the Son of God. Have you received Him? (Isa_1:12), or are you among those who ay "Away with Him?" (Joh_19:15).

3. With regard to the Spirit of God. Have you received Him since ye believed, or are you still resisting or grieving Him? (Act_19:2).

4. With regard to the Word of God. Is it your daily delight; in your mouth as honey (Eze_3:3), or is it as the writing on the wall against you? (Dan_5:5).

5. With regard to the enemy of God. Are you in friendship with the world, in love with sin, and resisting not the devil (Luk_1:74), or are you the enemy of His enemies?

6. With regard to the service of God. Are you a co-worker with Him (2Co_6:1), or an idler in the vineyard?

7. With regard to the Second Coming of Christ. Are you indifferent, or does this Hope purify yourself (1Jn_3:3). Are you a scoffer, or a watcher?

Autor: James Smith