When the Pharisees reviled the man whose eyes the Lord had opened, saying, "Thou art His disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples," they meant that he had been with Jesus and learnt of Him. A disciple is one who has given himself over to another to be taught, and to follow the example of the teacher. Discipleship has great prominence in the Gospels.

I. Its Privileges. The highest honour of the disciple is to have fellowship with the Master Himself. The greatest gift of the teacher is to reveal Himself. This was Christ’s method after His resurrection. It is His method now, through the Holy Spirit. "He showed them His hands" (Joh_20:20), then were the disciples glad. "He wrought many signs in the presence of His disciples" (Joh_20:31). Again He showed Himself to His disciples (Joh_21:1). "This is now the third time He showed Himself to His disciples" (Joh_21:14). What a gracious teacher! "Learn of Me" (Mat_11:28).

II. Its Conditions. The way may seem narrow, but it leads to life abundant.

1. There Must be Hating. "If any man come to Me, and hate not his father and mother,… and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple" (Luk_14:26). There is no bitterness in this hate. The father, mother, etc., must take the place, with relationship to Christ, of our own self-hate.

2. There Must be Cross-bearing. "Whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple" (Luk_14:27). Follow Him, cross and all. A cross less disciple is unworthy of such a Master (Mat_10:38; 2Ti_3:12).

"Take up thy Cross, ’tis thine my soul,

But subject to the Lord’s control;

Then take it up, to let it lie

Will make it heavier by and by."

3. There Must be a Forsaking All. "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all he hath, he cannot be My disciple" (Luk_14:33). As Bengel says, "A man had better not attempt this discipleship who is not satisfied with everything which promotes it." Paul knew the meaning of this when he said, "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord" (Php_3:7-8). This forsaking is attained by counting.

4. There Must be a Continuing in His Word. "If ye continue in My Word then are ye My disciples indeed" (Joh_8:31). Not "stony ground hearers" (Mat_13:21-22). The Lord can have no fellowship with those who "draw back" (Heb_10:38). There is great need in these days of continuing to learn of Christ. Continue in the love of His Word and you will continue in the power of it. The Crown of Life is given to the faithful unto death (Rev_2:10).

5. There Must be Fruit-bearing. "Bear much fruit, so shall ye be My disciple" (Joh_15:8). As the fruit of the Spirit was abundantly manifest in the life of Jesus (Gal_5:22), so will it be in the lives of those who are "disciples indeed" (Php_1:11).

III. How this Discipleship is to be Known by Others. "By this shall all know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another" (Joh_13:35). Disciples may, and do, differ in many things, but if love to one another is lacking, even though we do not belong to the same sect, it is an evidence that the love of God is not dwelling in us (1Jn_4:20), and that we have not learned by heart the teaching of Jesus. If "the love wherewith God hath loved us" is shed abroad in our hearts we cannot but love the brethren, and this love will manifest itself by desiring and enjoying fellowship with the saints in light.

IV. A Question for Disciples. "Will ye also be His disciples?" (Joh_9:27). He who hath opened our eyes, redeemed us by His blood, called us by His grace, and taught us by His Spirit, is surely worthy to be commended to others. "Follow thou Me" (Joh_21:22). Will ye also be His disciples?

Autor: James Smith