The meaning of a vail is something that hangs between, and conceals either what is within or without. There are several mentioned in Scripture. Let us look at some of them.
I. The Vail of the Tabernacle (Exo_26:31-32). It hung on four pillars and separated the holy place from the Most Holy, and served as a covering for the glory, which rested on the mercy-seat between the cherubim. It was blue and purple and scarlet, and was a type of Christ. The blue representing His heavenly or divine character, the scarlet (red earth) His human nature, the purple a combination of blue and scarlet, His character as the God-man in one person. "One Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1Ti_2:5). This vail speaks of much yet to be revealed, but the time had not yet come. Ye cannot bear it now.
II. The Vail of Moses (Exo_34:33-35). This vail concealed the glory of God shining through the skin of his face from the weak-eyed Israelites. Moses had been in God’s presence for forty days, and much of God’s glorious character, through the openness of his face, had impressed itself upon him. Yet He wist not that his face shone. Here we have an unconscious testimony so bright and so convincing that others could not bear it. So that he had to conceal much that God had wrought on him that he might adapt himself to the capacity of the weak and inexperienced. Don’t "cast your pearls before swine" (Mat_7:6).
III. The Vail of the Temple (Mat_27:51). The vail of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom when the spirit of Jesus was rent from His body. Thus through the separation of His spirit and body the separation vail is rent in twain. Through the dividing asunder of His soul and spirit we discern the thoughts and intents of the heart of God. The rending of this vail gives a new revelation of our Father God. "Behold, I set before you an open door" (Rev_3:8).
IV. The Vail of Christ’s Flesh (Heb_10:19-20). While the ark journeyed a vail covered it (Exo_40:3). Christ’s flesh, which was in the likeness of sinful flesh, was the vail which concealed the hidden glory of His divine character. Some by faith could see the divine glory shining through the vail (Mat_16:16). In the offering of His body, the needed sacrifice for sin was made. Now through the vail of His flesh we have a new and living way consecrated for us. Now we have "boldness to enter through the blood of Jesus" (Heb_10:19).
V. The Vail of Unbelief (2Co_3:13-16). Although the vail of darkness has been done away in Christ, "Yet even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their (Israel’s) heart." This vail of blindness is taken away from the heart when we turn to the Lord (2Co_3:16). "If any man will do His will, he shall know" (Joh_7:17). This vail of unbelief still hinders the Jews from seeing the glory of Christ in the face of Moses, and blinds multitudes of Gentiles from beholding the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless when ye turn to the Lord it shall be taken away.
VI. The Vail of National Blindness (Isa_25:7-9). This vail that is spread over the nations hinders them from seeing the divine remedy for the sins and sorrows of the world in the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Isa_25:9). This vail of blindness which hides the world’s rightful King from the eyes of the nations shall be taken away when He appears. He shall come whose right it is to reign, the "blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of lords" (1Ti_6:15). "In His days shall the righteous flourish" (Psa_72:7).
Autor: James Smith