The three appearings mentioned in Heb_9:24-28 are connected with the three aspects of the great Salvation of our Lord, the past, the present, and the future.

I. The Past. "He hath appeared to put away sin"- Redemption.

II. The Present. "He now appears in the presence of God for us"-Intercession.

III. The Future. "He shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation"-Transformation. This same threefold deliverance is mentioned in 2Co_1:10, and corresponds with the threefold character of Christ, as prophet, priest, and king. The second coming of Christ has not much prominence in the preaching of to-day, although it has a very large place in the Word of God. There are 260 chapters in the New Testament, and over 300 references to this great coming event.


When He comes for His people they shall be caught up to meet Him in the air (1Th_4:17), but those in the earth see Him not. When He appears with His saints every eye shall see Him. As He appeared to His disciples after His resurrection and showed Himself, so shall He appear the second time and manifest His glory. To put the truth in order, let us ask-

I. What will be the Manner of His Appearing? It will be-

1. Certain. "If I go, I will come again" (Joh_14:3). His coming again, then, is as certain as His departure. "If I go, I will come." This is not the coming of death, but Himself. "The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven" (1Th_4:16).

2. Personal. "This same Jesus shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go" (Act_1:11). A spiritual coming, or the coming of the Holy Ghost, is not "this same Jesus."

3. Sudden (Mal_3:1-3). "Watch, lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping" (Mar_13:35-36). His coming will be as quick as lightning (Mat_24:27).

4. Visible. "Behold He cometh, and every eye shall see Him" (Rev_1:7). "Hereafter ye shall see the Son of Man" (Mat_26:64). What a sight for this pleasure-loving, Christ-rejecting age! "All kindreds of the earth shall wail" (Isa_2:19).

5. Glorious. "The glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Tit_2:13). When first He came He made Himself of no reputation, and became the "Man of Sorrows," but when He appears the second time it will be in "great power and glory" (Mar_13:26). His Name now is above every name.

6. With His Saints. "Behold He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones" (Jud_1:14., R. v. ). "When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory" (Col_3:4). By that time we shall have been made "like Him" (1Jn_3:2). This is the fruit of grace. Blessed be the Lord who hath made us partakers of such an high and holy calling (Eph_1:16).

7. To Establish Righteousness. "He will convince the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds and speeches against Him" (Jud_1:15). He will "judge with righteousness and equity" (Psa_98:9). He will "bless the earth with prosperity and peace" (Psa_72:7).

II. Will He Appear Before or After the Millennium?

This is a disputed point. It may help us into the truth just to look at the condition of the world when He appears, as described in Scripture.

1. What Saith the Prophets (Dan_12:1-2). At the time Michael, the first prince, stands up for the people. It is to be a time of trouble such as there never was since there was a nation. Michael surely represents the Son of God, for at His standing up, or appearing, many rise from the dead (Isa_60:1-3). Here the people are said to be in gross darkness when the Lord arises in His glory (Zec_14:3-4). Here the Lord is represented as fighting against the nations, when His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives. There is no Millennium here.

2. What Saith the Evangelists? "The tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest" (Mat_13:30). When the Lord of the vineyard comes He does not find righteousness prevailing, for He will "miserably destroy those wicked men" (Mat_21:37-41). When the Bridegroom came five of the virgins were found unfit to enter, and were shut out (Mat_25:10-12). "As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man" (Luk_17:24-30). The world was at its worst instead of at its best when the flood came. If things are to go on improving (spiritually) till Christ comes, what is the meaning of these words, "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh shall He find faith in the earth" (Luk_18:8; 1Th_5:3). Before the Son of Man comes with power and great glory "men’s hearts are to be failing them for fear, because of the things which are coming on the earth" (Luk_21:25-28).

3. What Saith the Other Apostles? "The Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith" (1Ti_4:1-2). Is not this sign among us now? "Let no man deceive you (neither doctor nor professor) by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first" (2Ti_3:1-5). This falling away from the faith of the Gospel will be the result of the influence of "the scoffers" that are to come in the last days (2Pe_3:3). Why should we hope that in these last days peaceful times will come, when the Holy Ghost has expressly declared that in the last days perilous times will come? (2Ti_3:1-5). It is not a question as to the failure of the Gospel, or the power of the Holy Spirit, but what is the revealed purpose of God. Let us take care that with regard to this great and precious truth the Lord may not be saying to us, "My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Jud_1:17-18).


Let us keep in mind the difference between His coming for His people and coming with them.

I. Some of the Results when He comes FOR His People. There will be-

1. The Resurrection of the Dead in Christ. "The dead in Christ shall rise first" (1Th_4:16). "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection" (Rev_20:6). This was Paul’s desire (Php_3:11). Called the resurrection of the just (Luk_14:14), and of life (Joh_5:29).

2. The Transformation of the Living. "We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed (all those who are alive at His coming) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye; this corruptible shall put on incorruption" (1Co_15:50-57). Then shall we be "clothed upon with our house which is from Heaven" (2Co_5:4). Enoch, by his translation, did not taste death (see Mat_16:28; Php_3:20-21).

3. The Translation of all Saints. "We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (those raised from the dead) to meet the Lord in the air" (1Th_4:16-17). This will be the fulfilment of Joh_14:3.

II. Some of the Results when He appears WITH His People. He will-

1. Manifest His Own. "When Christ who is our life shall be manifested, then shall ye also with Him be manifested in glory" (Col_3:4, R. v. ). "When He shall appear we shall be like Him" (1Jn_3:2). Hidden ones shall then be revealed. The world shall then see the blessedness of being a Christian.

2. Take Vengeance on the Disobedient. "The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel" (2Th_1:7-9). The mighty angels mentioned in this passage are the "messengers of His might." They may execute this terrible judgment upon the so-called Gospel hardened and unbelievers (Isa_2:19).

3. Restore His Ancient People. When He appears "they shall look upon Him whom they have pierced, and mourn" (Zec_12:10). But "in that day a fountain shall be opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem" (chap. Zec_13:1). When the "Deliverer comes out of Zion and turns away ungodliness from Jacob, then all Israel shall be saved" (Rom_11:25-29).

4. Judge the Nations. This is clearly taught in Mat_25:31-46. The great image of the world’s power and unrighteous rule is broken in pieces at the coming of that stone, over which the "hands" of men have no control (Dan_2:31-35), and which "shall fill the whole earth" {Psa_2:7-9; Rev_19:11).

5. Destroy the Antichrist. "Then shall that wicked be revealed (as the light of the rising sun draws the poisonous weeds into a fruitfulness that reveals their true character) whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth" (2Th_2:7-9; 1Jn_4:3).

6. Rule the Nations. "In His days the righteous shall flourish; He shall have dominion from sea to sea; all kings shall fall down before Him, all nations shall serve Him" (Psa_72:7-11). "The Lord shall be King over the whole earth" (Zec_14:9). Wars shall cease and peace shall be on earth when He comes, "whose right it is to reign." Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. The whole creation is groaning for that Day (Rom_8:22).

7. Reward the Faithful. A perfect outline or programme of these coming events is found in Luk_19:11-27, given by the Lord Himself. His servants are rewarded according to their works at His coming. This is certainly the judgment spoken of by the apostle in 2Co_5:10. The rewards will differ according to the measure of faithfulness. "As one star differeth from another star in glory, so also in the resurrection" (1Co_15:41).

III. Some of the Signs of His Appearing. As we saw from our last reading, the Scripture does not teach that the world will be converted before He comes, but there are certain signs given to indicate the nearness of His approach.

1. The Preaching of the Gospel to all Nations. "This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations (not creatures), and then shall the end come" (Mat_24:14). Even overlooking the fact that this was really done in the days of the apostles (Rom_10:18; Col_1:5-6, Col_1:23), we cannot but believe that it is being accomplished now.

2. The Budding of the Fig Tree. It is a natural and legitimate inference that our Lord in this parable referred to the Jewish nation (Luk_21:29-31). That they are showing signs of fresh life, and that Ezekiel’s vision of the bones is being fulfilled before our eyes in a manner never yet hitherto approached, must be more or less apparent to all.

3. The Perils of the Times. We are warned that "in the last days perilous times will come" (2Ti_3:1). "Many falling away from the faith, distress of nations, men’s hearts failing them for fear, looking at the things which are coming on the earth" (Luk_21:25-28). This is not the view of a pessimist, but of a believer in God.

4. The Cry of the Bridegroom’s Friends. "At midnight there was a cry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh" (Mat_25:6). At midnight He came. "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night" (2Pe_3:10). This cry is being raised in these days, "Behold He cometh." No time is fixed, but the fact of His near approach is being heralded all over the world, although many believe it not. The condition and state of the world now has constrained many to "lift up their heads," knowing that their redemption draweth nigh (Luk_21:28).


Lay aside prejudice and unbelief and there will be no difficulty in understanding this most interesting part of the Divine revelation. The prophet Zechariah sets the whole matter before us in order. The method of many is to literalise what refers to the past, and spiritualise all that lies in the future. In Zechariah’s prophecy we see

1. The Messiah’s Birth Announced. "Lo, I come, I will dwell in the midst of thee" (chap. Zec_2:10).

2. His Character Foretold. As "the Branch, as a Ruler, and a Priest upon His throne" (chap. Zec_6:12-13).

3. The Manner of His Public Appearing. "Behold thy King cometh riding upon an ass" (chap. Zec_9:9-10).

4. His Rejection Predicted. "They shall look upon Me whom they have pierced" (chap. Zec_10:12).

5. His Second Coming. "His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives (chap. Zec_14:3-4). Notice that this is after He had been pierced and wounded in the house of His friends (Jews) (chap. Zec_13:6).

6. His Kingship. "The Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that day one Lord, and His Name one" (chap. Zec_14:9).

7. The Millennium. "In that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the Lord (chap. Zec_14:20-21). What could be more simple than this? The programme is complete, the order is in perfect harmony with the teaching of the New Testament. Look then at-

I. The Kingship of Jesus. In Isa_9:6-7 the "Child born and the Son given" is to have the government upon His shoulders, and His kingdom is to be established, not with grace, but with "judgment and with justice from henceforth and for ever" (Psa_2:7-9). The angel’s message to Mary was, "He shall be great, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever" (Luk_1:32-33). Our Lord is not now on the throne of His father David, reigning over the house of Jacob, but on the throne of His Father in Heaven, as our great High Priest. The wise men, guided by God in seeking Jesus, said, "Where is He that is born King of the Jews?" "Behold, thy King cometh riding upon an ass" (Zec_9:9). Pilate said to Him while in the depths of His terrible humiliation, "Art Thou a King then?" (Joh_18:37). Jesus did not deny the truth, but boldly acknowledged it, saying, "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world" (Joh_18:37). "This is the King of the Jews" (Mat_27:37).

II. The Sphere of His Reign. "He shall be King over all the earth" (Zec_14:9). From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. (Mal_1:11). "All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God" (Isa_52:10). The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His (God’s) Christ. He shall judge among the nations (Isa_2:4). All shall be blessed in Him, "all nations shall call Him blessed" (Psa_72:17). "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." He shall rule the nations with a rod of iron as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev_19:15-16). "Till the thousand years should be fulfilled" (Rev_20:3).

III. The Nature of His Kingdom. It has been said, "Like priest, like people," so it will be like king, like kingdom. This King’s rule will be supreme, "King of Kings," so the kingdom will partake of all the characteristics of the King. There will be-

1. Deliverance from the Power of Satan. He will be bound for a thousand years and cast into the bottomless pit (Rev_20:2-3). Then the whole earth will have rest and quiet (Isa_14:7). Then the time of torment for unclean spirits will have come (Mat_8:28-29).

2. Universal Harmony. "The whole creation groaneth and travaileth, waiting for that redeeming day" (Rom_8:22-23). Then they shall "learn war no more" (Isa_2:4). "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord" (Isa_11:1-9). Peace on earth and goodwill among men.

3. Prosperity for the Righteous, and just judgment to the poor (Psa_72:1-14). Christ will manifest Himself as the King of righteousness and the King of peace (Heb_7:2; see 2Pe_3:13).

4. An Extension of Human Life. "The child shall die an hundred years old" (Isa_65:20). They shall not build and another inhabit (Isa_65:18-25). "The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick" (Isa_33:24).

5. Salvation for the Heathen. The heathen shall be given Him for an inheritance (Psa_2:8). "All the ends of the world shall turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship Him" (Psa_22:27). All people, nations, and languages shall serve Him (Dan_7:13-14; Psa_82:8).

6. Honour for the Saints. They shall "reign with Him a thousand years" (Rev_20:6). "He hath made us kings unto God" (Rev_1:6). "Thou hast made us unto our God kings, and we shall reign on the earth" (Rev_5:10). Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world (1Co_6:2). At the Coming of the Lord the faithful servant was made ruler over ten cities (Luk_19:17). These notes could be extended indefinitely, but we quote one more promise from the risen Lord to the Church in Thyatira and repeated in substance to the Church of the Laodiceans: "He that overcometh and keepeth My words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations" (Rev_2:26; Rev_3:21). There will also be-

7. Glory for the Saviour. "His Name shall endure for ever," and "all nations shall call Him blessed" (Psa_72:17), and "the whole earth shall be filled with His glory." Amen, and Amen (Psa_72:19).

Autor: James Smith