These "I am’s" are glimpses given us of the inner workings of the apostle’s soul. They are, as it were, a spiritual autobiography.
I. I am Carnal (chap. Rom_7:14). Being carnal he is sold under sin. He realises that the law is spiritual, and deals with his spirit rather than with his actions. His spirit being carnal he cannot fulfil a spiritual law. So he is sold. He finds himself enslaved by sin, a helpless enemy to the righteous will of God. Such is our state by nature. There is no truth in the inward part (Psa_51:6).
II. I am Wretched (chap. Rom_7:24). When by the light of God’s Word we discover our true state in His sight it is enough to make us the most wretched creatures on earth. It is only when we do become wretched that we cry out, "Who shall deliver me?" Job’s cry, "O for a daysman!" came also out of the depths of his wretchedness.
III. I am not Ashamed (chap. Rom_1:16). This is the language of one who has now experienced the saving power of God as revealed in the Gospel of Christ. "Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory" (1Co_15:57). The salvation of God in Christ is both a victory and a transformation (chap. Rom_12:2). It is a deliverance from the power of Satan and from the love of sin.
IV. I am Debtor (chap. Rom_1:14). Now that he has received salvation through the grace of God he becomes a debtor to the unsaved, whether they be Greeks or barbarians, wise or unwise. Every Christian is a steward of the manifold grace of God (1Pe_4:10). Have we paid our debt to those who know not Christ by giving them the Gospel? or, like unfaithful stewards, are we selfishly using our Master’s goods?
V. I am Ready (chap. Rom_1:15). Paul was prepared to pay this debt, even to the Romans, and that at any cost. This ought to be the constant attitude of the heart toward the God of our salvation. "Ready!" Ready for whatever the King may appoint. Like soldiers, we should be always and entirely at the disposal of Him who hath chosen us. The way to get ready for great things is to be always ready for the little things.
VI. I am Persuaded (chap. Rom_8:38). Here the apostle unveils to us his deep, unalterable conviction concerning the unchanging love of God which is in Christ Jesus. This is a prime necessity for the joy and comfort of a Christian worker. Be always ready to please God, and you will all the more readily be persuaded of the abiding and inseparable love of God.
VII. I am the Apostle (chap. Rom_11:13). Ask Paul what he is, as regards his mission, and his answer is ready. "I am the apostle of the Gentiles." He received his work from the Lord, and he knew it. All are not apostles. No. What are you? What definite work has the Lord committed to you? Many a Christian life is frittered aimlessly away for the lack of this deep consciousness of having some definite, special work given by God. Ask Him, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" (Act_9:6).
VIII. I am Sure (chap. Rom_15:29). It is a great blessing to be assured that when we go in God’s Name we go in God’s power, and in the fulness of the Gospel of Christ. Although Paul went to Rome in chains he nevertheless went in the fulness of the blessing. Nothing can hinder our usefulness is Christians but sin. This blessed assurance ought to characterise every preacher of the Gospel.
IX. I am Glad (chap. Rom_16:19). This gladness sprang up in the heart of the apostle because of the obedience of others to the truth of God. The closeness of our fellowship with Jesus Christ may be tested by the depth and intensity of our sadness, or gladness, at the disobedience, or obedience of others to the call of God. Do you feel the evil treatment of Christ as keenly as you would that of your nearest earthly friend? Jesus said, "I am glad for your sakes" (Joh_11:15). Are you sad or glad for His sake?
Autor: James Smith