1 Thessalonians.

In this epistle we observe seven things the Thessalonians did. Seven different attitudes, or relationships, which should characterise every Heaven-born son of God. We read of them-

I. Receiving the Word of God (chap. Mat_2:13). This is the first great necessity." Receiving the Word of God, not as the word of men, but as it is in truth the Word of God." It is by the Word of Truth that He by His own will begets us (Jam_1:18). The Word is often received in much affliction (chap. Mat_1:6). This is the result of the ploughing of the Holy Spirit-preparing the soil of the heart for the incorruptible seed (1Pe_1:23).

II. Turning to God. "They turned to God from idols" (chap. Mat_1:9). These idols of their own making represent the desires of their own carnal minds. They turned from them to God. The living God now takes the place of sinful self. If the heart would be satisfied with God it must be turned entirely to Him. When the stream of God’s truth is tasted it constrains to turn to the fountain. We shall never know the depth of the love of our God until we plunge into it.

III. Dwelling in God. "The Church which is in God the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ" (chap. Mat_1:1). Having received the Word of Truth, and turned to God, they find their abode and resting-place in God, Those who turn to God with all their heart will never seek to turn away from Him. In Him we find our life and strength, as the branch in the vine. In Him we are planted by rivers of water, so that the roots of our desires are abundantly satisfied (Jer_17:8).

IV. Serving God. They "turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God" (chap. Mat_1:9). Their service is a noble pattern for us. Notice the character of it: (1) It was the work of faith. (2) It was a labour of love. (3) It was in patience of hope. (4) It was in the Lord Jesus Christ. (5) It was in the sight of God (see chap. Mat_1:3). This was no mere eye service. One is your master, even Christ. Please Him.

V. Waiting for the Son of God. "They turned to serve,… and to wait for His Son from Heaven" (chap. Mat_1:10). Jesus had said He would come again, and they believed Him, and looked for the glorious appearing of their great God and Saviour (Tit_2:13). Active service is most consistent with patient waiting. They serve in waiting. Those whose expectation is only from the Lord will wait on Him and for Him. Blessed are all they that wait.

VI. Learning of God. "Ye yourselves are taught of God" (chap. Mat_4:9). They never leave the high school who sit at Jesus’ feet. They are wise who are taught by the great teacher come from God. Those who have the Holy Ghost have the holy anointing, and need not that any man teach them (1Jn_2:27). The chief lesson taught by our Divine Master is to love one another (chap. Mat_4:9). "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples" (Joh_13:35). "Learn of Me" (Mat_11:29).

VII. Walking Worthy of God (chap. Mat_2:12). To this holy occupation are we called. "Walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleasing" (Col_1:10). Are we walking as becometh the sons of God-worthy of His love, of His fulness, of His holiness, of His power? If our lives are dissatisfied, powerless, and fruitless, they are not worthy of God. All worthiness comes from Himself. It is by His mighty indwelling Spirit alone that we are made to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called (Eph_4:1). Walk as He walked.

Autor: James Smith