A sect called "Bible Christians" had their origin in England in the year 1815. They took this name because they professed to stick fast to the Bible. Every Christian is a "Bible Christian," holding fast to Christ and His Word of truth. Every other Christian is a sham. A "Bible Christian" is a Christian after the order of the Bible. He is-

1. One who Trusts in Christ (Eph_1:12). One who has been convicted by the Spirit, made to feel his need of Christ, and who has, by a deliberate act of His own will, transferred all his confidence to Him. He has a settled faith in Him as the almighty and infallible Son of God.

2. One who has Life through Christ (Joh_6:37). He was alienated from the life of God, but now he is by faith engrafted into it. Through receiving Him who is the "Living Bread" life has been imparted, a new creature formed-born of God-partaker of the divine nature. This is life eternal.

3. One who has Love to Christ (1Jn_4:19). Love is the first evidence of a regenerated heart. When the love of God is shed abroad in the heart it will rise up in all its strength and fulness to Him from whence it came. It is a love that now believes and rejoices with joy unspeakable (1Pe_1:8).

4. One who has Fellowship with Christ (1Jn_1:3). This fellowship is sweet because there is intense love on both sides. "Lord, to whom can we go?" (Joh_6:68). There is none on earth the new-born soul desires besides Him. "If Thy presence go not with us, carry us not hence" (Exo_33:15). "Abide in Me" (Joh_15:4).

5. One who Works for Christ (2Co_6:1). "Whose I am, and whom I serve" (Act_27:23). Belonging to Him and living for Him it is his privilege not only to work for Christ but to work with Him. This is the more excellent way: God working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Delivered to serve.

6. One whose Resources are in Christ (Col_2:9-10). All the fulness of the Godhead is in Him, and ye are in Him. Abiding in Christ he receives, as a branch in the vine, all the fulness of Him who is his life, his strength, his power, his all. The unsearchable riches of Christ! What are they? All is yours, for ye are Christ’s.

7. One who will be Rewarded by Christ (2Co_5:10). Every Christian will be saved, but every Christian will not be rewarded. Rewards are only given for works done in His Name and for His glory (1Co_3:13-15). Salvation is a gift. Rewards must be earned. Christ Himself will fix the value of every deed done (Mat_25:19-25).

8. One who will Spend Eternity with Christ (Joh_17:24). This great privilege is promised in Joh_14:3, prayed for in Joh_17:24, and realised in Rev_5:9. A little girl said she lived where mamma lives. Our fitness to be with Him will be our likeness to Him (1Jn_3:2). For ever with the Lord.

Autor: James Smith