(June 21, 1892–June 1, 1971), was an internationally known lecturer, writer and teacher. He graduated from Yale Divinity School; was professor at Union Theological Seminary New York City, 1930–60; dean of faculty, 1950–55; vice-president, 1955–60. He gain a reputation for being concerned with the needs of the poor, and in 1964 received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His works include: Faith and History; The Irony of American History; Christian Realism and Political Problems; The Self and the Dramas of History; Man’s Nature and His Communities; and Faith and Politics.
In 1934, Reinhold Niebuhr wrote The Serenity Prayer:
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.3489
In Discerning the Signs of the Times, 1949, Reinhold Niebuhr wrote:
Humor is a prelude to faith and
Laughter is the beginning of prayer.3490
Reinhold Niebuhr wrote:
Man’s capacity for Justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.3491