(February 18, 1892–October 8, 1944), was a business executive, lawyer, and U.S. Presidential Candidate. He had been a Democrat most of his life till he became a Republican in the middle 1930’s. After having served in World War I, he became a lawyer, and later the president of Southern Electric Utilities Company, 1933–40, selling properties to the Tennessee Valley Authority for $78,000,000.
He opposed the New Deal regulations and control on businesses, and favored restructuring the tax system to encourage business expansion. In 1940, winning 22,000,000 votes, he almost defeated Franklin D. Roosevelt’s bid for a third term. He wrote We The People, and One World.
Wendell Willke stated:
Only if the religious forces have the courage and the intelligence to insist that America keeps its purpose clean and clear will religious values be enabled to play an active role in the building of the new world.3484