(February 25, 1888–May 24, 1959), was the U.S. Secretary of State, 1953–59, during the Eisenhower administration, where he helped negotiate the Peace Treaty with Japan after World War II, 1950–51. A graduate of Princeton University and George Washington University, he served as an international attorney with the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell in New York, 1911–49. He was instrumental in the creation of the United Nations, to which he was the U.S. ambassador, 1945–49, and was an interim U.S. Senator, 1949.
On March 30, 1954, in an address to the Overseas Press Club in New York, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated:
There is only one defense—a defense coumpounded of eternal vigilance, sound policies, and high courage.3400
On May 7, 1954, in reply to a question from a Danish student, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated:
Neighborly love, in political actions, means loving others, based on the brotherhood that was created with God as the Father of all. It means that the political power of any government must be considered an opportunity, not to favor individuals but to do well for all.3401
On April 11, 1955, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles delivered a speech before the Fifth Annual All-Jesuit Alumni Dinner, in which he stated:
Peace is a goal which men above always sought. It is a goal which we particularly think of at this Easter Season when we commemorate the resurrection of the Prince of Peace. …
One cannot but shrink from buying peace at the price of extending over human beings the rule of those who believe that men are in fact nothing more than animated bits of matter and that, to insure harmony and conformity, they should be deprived of the capacity for moral and intellectual judgment.
Man, we read in the Holy Scriptures, was made a little lower than the angels. Should man now be made little, if any, higher than domesticated animals which serve the purpose of their human masters?
So men face the great dilemma of when and whether to use force to resist aggression which imposes conditions which violate the moral law and the concept that man has his origins and his destiny in God. …
The government of the United States has, I like to believe, a rather unique tradition in this respect. Our nation was founded as an experiment in human liberty.
Our institutions reflect the belief of our founders that all men were endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights and had duties prescribed by moral law.
They believed that human institutions ought primarily to help men develop their God-given possibilities and that our nation, by its conduct and example, could help men everywhere to find the way to a better and more abundant life.
Our nation realized that vision. There developed here an area of spiritual and economic vigor the like of which the world had never seen.3402
On June 13, 1955, in delivering the baccalaureate address at Indiana University, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated:
Our people have always been endowed with a sense of mission in the world. They have believed that it was their duty to help men everywhere to get the opportunity to be and do what God designed.3403
On September 3, 1955, in a toast to Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated:
War is an awful thing. God grant that we have seen the last of it. But war in this case made the people of our two countries know each other as never before.3404
On June 17, 1956, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who was a life elder in the Presbyterian Church, commented after attending the ordination of his son, Avery, as a Roman Catholic priest in the Society of Jesus, Fordham University, New York:
I feel very happy that my son has found a faith and the satisfaction of that faith. I have three children, all of whom, I’m happy to say, are very devout and religious. They have each in their own way found a communion with God and for that I’m very happy.3405
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles remarked:
Our institutions of freedom will not survive unless they are constantly replenished by the faith that gave them birth.3406
Our greatest need is to regain confidence in our spiritual heritage.3407