(from 1861–65), served as the president of the United States Christian Commission, which was formed in New York, November 14, 1861, as an outgrouwth of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association). Through the efforts of women from various religious denominations, this organization raised over $2.5 million in private donations, primarily from churches, during the Civil War. This was used to provide comforts, supplies, hospital stores and clothing to the armies and navies of the federal government, being widely distributed to men in camps, hospitals and ships.

As an influential philanthropist, George Hay Stuart was responsible for the organization distributing over 30 million gospel tracts and New Testaments to the soldiers. One of the workers was D.L. Moody, who later became a world renowned minister.

George Hay Stuart stated:

I have prayed for this union; and I have labored for it, simply because I believed that it would bring glory to my blessed Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. …

I have labored and prayed for it, because it would bring brethren together, now unhappily divided, to see eye to eye, that the nations that have so long bowed down to idols might learn of Jesus and Him crucified … Since these twenty-four hours have passed away eighty-six thousand four hundred immortal souls have gone to the judgment seat of Christ. …

I never hear the funeral bell toll without asking myself the question, “What have I done to point that departed soul to the Lamb of God that died to save a perishing world?”

Brethren, buckle on your armor for a great conflict; buckle it on for giving the glorious Gospel of the Son of God to the millions of the earth who are perishing for lack of knowledge.3050