(March 19, 1860–July 26, 1925), was the Democratic candidate for President in 1896, 1900, 1908, was a U.S. Representative 1891–95, and served as Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson. He was the editor of the Omaha World Herald, and founded The Commoner journal. He was celebrated for having successfully participated in the prosecution during the John Scopes evolution trial in Tennessee. Williams Jennings Bryan gave over 600 public speeches during his Presidential campaigns, one of his favorites of which was “The Prince of Peace”:
I am interested in the science of government, but I am more interested in religion … I enjoy making a political speech … but I would rather speak on religion than on politics. I commenced speaking on the stump when I was only twenty, but I commenced speaking in the church six years earlier—and I shall be in the church even after I am out of politics.3049