(1832–1903), was a U.S. Navy Commodore, 1885; and Rear Admiral, 1889. He declared:

No nation can materially enlarge her borders and rise to great ascendancy except on the basis of Christianity and its revealed Word. In such ferment of unrest, such tumult of change, the old religions will surely give way to the power of the Cross.

The Light of the World will irradiate those fair lands. The utterly indifferent temperature of the Chinese conduces to this ambition of Japan, and so surely as she accomplishes her lofty ambition, so surely will the Cross of our Saviour be uplifted over it all in all the significance of its power.2685

As an eye-witness, I assert it to be a fact beyond contradiction that there is not an official, or any other person, from emperors, down to the lowest coolies in China and Japan, who are not indebted every day to the work of our American Missionaries.2686