(May 10, 1823–1900), was an American political leader, the younger brother of the famous Civil War General, William Tecumseh Sherman. He served as a U.S. Representative from Ohio, 1855–61; U.S. Senator, 1861–77, 1881–97; Secretary of the Treasury under President Hayes, 1877–81; and Secretary of State under President McKinley, 1897–98. John Sherman is noted for having introduced the 2 1879, in an effort to curb the monopolies of big businesses. He stated:

I appreciate the Holy Bible as the highest gift of God to man, unless it be the “unspeakable Gift” of Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. It is the Divine assurance that our life does not end with death, and it is the strongest incentive to honorable, charitable Christian deeds.2619