(December 31, 1815–November 6, 1872), was a Major-General in the U.S. Army. He led the Union troops to victory at the Battle of Gettysburg, thus turning the tide of the Civil War. Colonel George Meade, the son of General Meade, reported the facts surrounding his father’s last days in 1872:

Death came suddenly, with the sound of a foot-fall. There were a few days when friends waited on medical skill, but his heart was on the country whither he was going. He looked to the Saviour, who was the only one in Heaven or earth who could help him. He asked for the Holy Communion, and by the Lord’s table gathered manna for the last journey. The words of penitence and the look of faith were blended with his dying prayers.

General Meade’s religious principles were exhibited in his daily life, in his intercourse with his fellow men, and the Christian example he set. As far as his outward profession of belief was concerned, he was an active and attentive communicant in our Church from an early day, and died in the triumphs of faith in the great Captain of his salvation.2487