(January 25, 1627–December 30, 1691), was a British natural philosopher, known as the “Father of Modern Chemistry.” One of the founders of the Royal Society of London, he was noted for his pneumatic experiments and the espousal of atomism. His contributions in physics and chemistry included the discovery of the basic law of gas dynamics, which related gas pressures to temperature and volume, known as “Boyle’s Law.” He corresponded with both Isaac Newton and John Locke. His works include: The Skeptical Chemist, 1661; The Defense Against Linus, 1662; Discourse of Things Above Reason, 1681; and Memoirs for the Natural History of the Human Blood, 1684.
Devoting much effort toward the propagation of scriptural beliefs, he wrote the Boyle Lectures, in the field of apologetics, for the defense of the Christian religion. Robert Boyle stated:
Our Saviour would love at no less rate than death; and from the supereminent height of glory, stooped and debased Himself to the sufferance of the extremest of indignities, and sunk himself to the bottom of abjectness, to exalt our condition to the contrary extreme.281
In his work entitled Some Considerations Touching the Style of the Holy Scriptures, Robert Boyle wrote:
The Books of Scripture illustrate and expound each other; as in the mariner’s compass, the needle’s extremity, though it seems to point purposely to the north, doth yet at the same time discover both east and west, as distant as they are from it and each other, so do some texts of Scripture guide us to the intelligence of others, for which they are widely distant in the Bible.282