Robert Goette

Often one can learn how effective his efforts are by examining what the opposition has to say. In this case, the word is from the National Center for Science Education, affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Teachers Association (both are very evolution-oriented organizations). Here are a few quotes from a financial appeal letter received from NCSE December 1, 1990. “Creationist pressure removes questions on evolution from the New York State Regents Curriculum Exam. Buffalo elects a creationist [their assumption is that a creationist cannot be a scientist!] school board member.” “Creationists run for local school boards in Washington, Illinois, and Indiana, on platforms promising the ‘balanced treatment’ of creation and evolution.” “Creationists try to get a creationist textbook adopted in Alabama and Idaho, and set their sights for Oregon, Utah, South Carolina and other states.” “An Illinois school district official cheerfully admits his district has encouraged ‘scientific’ creationists from the Institute of Creation Research to speak in the district’s schools for the last 12 years!” (Emphasis theirs).

The letter then goes on to state, “‘Scientific’ creationists are anti-evolutionists who want to teach the literal interpretation of Genesis — the universe was created all at once, 10, 000 years ago, the Flood was an actual worldwide historical event, etc., — in your public schools. They think it is perfectly OK to resort to miracles to explain things, and if the Bible is in conflict with science, science has to be altered.”

If the Genesis account is not ‘literal’ then there was no sin, no fall, no death because of sin, no universal destruction by the Flood of Noah, and Christ, Peter and Paul were misleading us when they testified to these events (Mt 19:4–66 {Gn 1:27, 5:12, 2:24}; Mt 24:37–39 {Gn 6:3–5}; Lk 17:27 {Gn 7:10–23}; Rom 5:12, 14–19 {Gn 2:16–17, 3:19};1 Cor 15:21–2 {Gn 2:16–17, 3:19}; 2 Pet 2:5 {Gn 6:8–12, 7:1–24; 2 Pet 3:4–6 {Gn 1:5–7, 7:17–24}, just to mention a few of many references. If the events of Genesis were not historical fact, then there is no need for Christ having come to redeem mankind from sin! Creationists do not resort to miracles to explain operational science — happenings which can be observed and repeatedly tested. Origins, whether they be of the universe, solar system or life are one-time happenings and cannot be repeated for the purposes of observation or testing. Therefore they cannot be dealt with “scientifically.”

The scientist who does not believe in God uses the miracles of “time,” “chance” and “natural processes” (all of which are unseen) to explain these happenings. The scientist who believes in God, on the other hand, understands God to have originated the universe from nothing, created a working solar system and created a functional, balanced life system on this earth. Yes, if science is in conflict with the Bible (note the reversal of the

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order from the above quote), then science is most likely in error. We do not need to throw out science, but we do need to go back to the lab for additional study and work.

Theories of science are constantly changing and we can wait a bit longer for a new theory to come to the surface. If the Bible is God’s Word, and I believe that it is, it can be trusted to be true and true science will agree with it ultimately. Be aware of the presuppositions of those in the “scientific” community. Examine those presuppositions carefully, for researchers with differing presuppositions can come up with very different interpretations of the same data. Take courage, continue to pray for the creationist movement and those willing to challenge evolutionists, that they may be bold and honest in their study, research and writings, and loving in their dealings with the “opposition.”